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Release - Merritt OAI Linux2 Migration #316

Closed ashleygould closed 4 years ago

ashleygould commented 4 years ago

Release – Merritt OAI Linux 2 Migration

Deployment Steps/Tasks

mrt-dryad requires change of config and update of database to reflect new service url. mrt-dryad then requires redploy.

Services: mrt-oai

Service URL:

Stage: http://mrtoai-stg:37001

Production: http://mrtoai:37001


Stage: uc3-mrtoai01x2-stg

Production: uc3-mrtoai01x2-prd

Change description

Enable OAI production Linux 2 host into production

Infrastructure Changes to support software (ALB, EFS, etc) N/A

CDL-SYS tickets submitted: CDL VM Server Request - uc3-mrtoai01x2-stg ISSUE=13445 PROJ=2 CDL VM Server Request - uc3-mrtoai01x2-prd ISSUE=13464 PROJ=2

Route 53 CNAME changes: N/A


Github or Pivotal Issues:

Source Code:

ashleygould commented 4 years ago

Dryad team ticket for checklist for the production release of mrt-sword and mrt-oai.