The wiki's Multilayered: Previews page should eventually show an overview of all existing multilayered materials. All previews should be taken on the AMM preview cube, the screenshots should be directly annotated like on the pictures below.
Required skills
Editing multilayered materials on an existing prop (you can learn it within 30 minutes, feel free to reach out on Discord or send me an e-mail)
putting text on photos
A single screenshot should show only materials of a certain type (e.g. "all fabrics"), not a mix of materials ("factory floor and plaid because fuck you :))") so that we can set up proper headers.
Rendered previews
Thanks to Olli, the page already contains a list of all rendered previews ("3d rendered previews").
Material comparisons
It would be great to have direct comparisons between materials with the same properties:
colour: null_null
default roughness
default metalness
like this:
roughness comparisons:
colour any (just has to be the same), default metalness, all different roughness values. Something like this (bronze_roof_tile_bare):
but on the cube and for more different materials.
The wiki's Multilayered: Previews page should eventually show an overview of all existing multilayered materials. All previews should be taken on the AMM preview cube, the screenshots should be directly annotated like on the pictures below.
Required skills
A single screenshot should show only materials of a certain type (e.g. "all fabrics"), not a mix of materials ("factory floor and plaid because fuck you :))") so that we can set up proper headers.
Rendered previews
Thanks to Olli, the page already contains a list of all rendered previews ("3d rendered previews").
Material comparisons
It would be great to have direct comparisons between materials with the same properties:
roughness comparisons:
colour any (just has to be the same), default metalness, all different roughness values. Something like this (bronze_roof_tile_bare): but on the cube and for more different materials.
metalness comparisons:
like roughness comparisons, but for metalness
... anything else you can think of?