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Less space for linebreaks? #249

Open kmcmullen opened 4 months ago

kmcmullen commented 4 months ago

Just for the correspondence materials, can we change the CSS (I'm assuming it's CSS) so that there is much less space for a <lb/>? Ideally, we'd just like as much space as there is between <addrLine>s or other similar elements.

For example of something with too much space, see the amount of space between "January 18th." and "1921." in the <dateline> here:

kmcmullen commented 1 week ago

I have this as "high priority," but if it's not a quick fix, don't worry about it for now.

erinchambers commented 4 days ago

Ah, this is the double <br> thing again (the XSLT is putting in two HTML linebreaks for every TEI linebreak). Stay tuned

erinchambers commented 3 days ago

Sleuthing: anywhere we have <br/> in the XSLT, it's turning into <br></br> in the output HTML - and the browser interprets that as two in a row <br /><br />. That's how we're getting too much spacing. Karin found this solution but that caused the linebreaks not to show up in the output at all

erinchambers commented 3 days ago

Discussed with @karindalziel and @kmcmullen in Teams. Karin figured out that changing the output to "xml" fixed the problem; the danger is that it will also change other things that are unanticipated.

Decided that we'll make the change soon, when Kevin has more time to do a thorough checking - but not yet.