CDRH / family_letters

Family Letters Rails Site
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Typos / Issues Found in Letters #138

Closed jduss4 closed 4 years ago

jduss4 commented 6 years ago

Hello! While working on indexing the contents of the letters on the master branch, I've come across some discrepancies and typos, which I'm listing here.


shan_D004.meta.xml - <date when="1952-10-24">August 21, 1919</date> shan_L075.meta.xml - <date when="1953-01-05">January 3, 1953</date> shan_L082.meta.xml - <date when="1957-06-24">June 23, 1957</date> shan_L109.meta.xml - <date when="1928-01-07">January 07, 1963</date> shan_L122.meta.xml - <date when="1964-01-02">May 26, 1986</date> (I didn't check anything beyond L130)

The date field does not always have the notation for how the original date was written. In shan_L003.meta.xml, we might want to note in the date field (which we're pulling from to populate the API) how the date was originally written:

<date type="written" when="1926-12-27"/>
<dateline><unclear reason="illegible"/> 27 de 1926 Disiembre</dateline>

I would recommend:

<date type="written" when="1926-12-27">27 de 1926 Disiembre</date>

In general, it appears that the <date type="written"> text contents are being encoded in English, though it is my understanding from the TEI file's order that usually the date is written in Spanish. Perhaps we should be capturing that in the element's contents so that the "date_display" field in the API is more accurate to the original document?

Differences between documents and letters

I realize in the below example that in one case I'm pulling names out of an action and in the other, out of a person element, but it would be helpful for me if persName contained the id in both cases. However, on the programming side we can make it work either way so no worries if this is how it needs to be.


<correspAction type="sentBy">
    <persName xml:id="mt001">Torres, Maximino</persName>


<person role="writer" xml:id="jbt001">
    <persName>Jesusita Baros Torres</persName>

.... this issue is under construction and I will continue to add to it as I see things!


shan_L001.meta.xml - es and es version of "ecuandureo" vs "ecuanduero" difference in opener shan_L007.meta.xml - "eng" language code

karindalziel commented 6 years ago

Language encoding in letters

Sometimes the first div type=letter has a language on it, sometimes not. Would be best if these were consistent.

jduss4 commented 5 years ago

Encode place in such a way that we can parse it

karindalziel commented 5 years ago

Also see:

jduss4 commented 4 years ago

Laura has fixed the dates, the rest have been addressed elsewhere or are no longer a concern