CDRH / family_letters

Family Letters Rails Site
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Cannot post html #172

Open sgar7 opened 2 years ago

sgar7 commented 2 years ago

Cannot post html (or tei) locally because it tries to webscrape first, and tries to connect to port:3001 which shouldn't happen. Webscraping appears to be running even when you're just posting tei.

I ran this command: post -x html -t -f tei -o and got this error message: "Something went wrong while scraping the family letters website: URL(S): ["http://localhost:3001/research/maps/photographs", "http://localhost:3001/en/research/maps/photographs"] ERROR: 500 Internal Server Error To post content, please check the endpoint in config/public.yml, or temporarily disable the scrape_website setting in that file"

karindalziel commented 2 years ago

It seems like no matter what filetype is being run (-f tei, above) it is trying to do the web scraping. But the web scraping won't work until after the index is run and local files created, so there's no way to get this set up locally other than downloading something from a server. More investigation needed, but also web scraping needs to be defined better in datura, probably.

nichgray commented 2 years ago
