CDRH / orchid

Rails Engine for site integration with CDRH API
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Overwriting default sort disables ability to change sort #226

Closed karindalziel closed 2 years ago

karindalziel commented 2 years ago

When I use the controller to change a default sort

def reception_reviews
    options = params.permit!.deep_dup
    options["f"] = ["subcategory|Reception/Reviews"]
    options["sort"] = ["date|asc"]
    @res = $api.query(options)

    # render search preset with route information
    @route_path = "reception_reviews_path"
    render_overridable "items", "reception_reviews"

The sort breaks - changing it does not change the sort. For now, in chesnutt, I am going to remove the ability to sort the items, but this isn't a great long term solution.

techgique commented 2 years ago

Not a bug with Orchid etc. Just a derp with the override:

techgique commented 2 years ago

And this tweak fixes the default sort display: