CDRH / sparc

Salmon Pueblo Archaeological Research Collection (SPARC) Rails Site
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CDRH Plan Day 1 #2

Closed karindalziel closed 7 years ago

karindalziel commented 7 years ago

Since we're not having a daily standup, I thought I'd use this as a place to jot down what we're doing during the sprint.

Jessica and Greg:


All CDRH members are generating lists of questions to ask at tomorrow's meeting.

karindalziel commented 7 years ago

Karin's image "gallery"

I'd hoped to get farther, but the above is the result of dumping the images csv into solr and indexing as normal. Some of the fields did not index, however, so still investigating that.

karindalziel commented 7 years ago

Also Karin uploaded all images to /projects/salmonruins/published/figures/2000

Though I need to double check they are all there

karindalziel commented 7 years ago

We're passwording our working sites, so here's the passwords for anything on our servers (including sparc/sparc*