CDSecurity / Blessed-minhquanym

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[M-01] Function `selectWinners()` incorrectly pops `eligibleParticipants` #2

Open minhquanym opened 2 weeks ago

minhquanym commented 2 weeks ago

[M-01] Function selectWinners() incorrectly pops eligibleParticipants


Impact: Low

Likelihood: High


In the selectWinners() function, when demand exceeds supply, only some participants in the eligibleParticipants list will receive a ticket. The function then removes the selected winners, retaining only the other participants. It achieves this by shifting the index and popping out from the back of the list.

// Select the first `numberOfTickets` winners
for (uint256 i = 0; i < numberOfTickets; i++) {
    address selectedWinner = eligibleParticipants[i];
    if (!isWinner(selectedWinner)) {
        emit WinnerSelected(selectedWinner);

// Remove the winners from the participants list by shifting non-winners up
uint256 shiftIndex = 0;
for (uint256 i = numberOfTickets; i < eligibleParticipants.length; i++) {
    eligibleParticipants[shiftIndex] = eligibleParticipants[i];
// @audit `eligibleParticipants.length` will decrease after pop()
for (uint256 i = shiftIndex; i < eligibleParticipants.length; i++) { 

However, the final loop that pops out elements uses i < eligibleParticipants.length as the stopping condition, even though the eligibleParticipants list is constantly updated during the process.

As a result, the eligibleParticipants.length decreases after every pop() operation, leading to incorrect function results.

For instance, let's say we have a list eligibleParticipants = [Alice, Bob] and shiftIndex = 0. The function tries to pop out Alice and Bob.


Rather than using eligibleParticipants.length while popping out values, cache the length before the loop.

0ximmeas commented 1 week ago

valid, nice find!