CDSecurity / Blessed-minhquanym

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[M-04] Attacker can spam function `deposit()` to always increase price in `AuctionV1Base` #5

Open minhquanym opened 2 weeks ago

minhquanym commented 2 weeks ago

[M-04] Attacker can spam function deposit() to always increase price in AuctionV1Base


Impact: Medium

Likelihood: Medium


In AuctionV1Base, there are multiple rounds with fluctuating prices, depending on user demand. User demand is tracked by the prevRoundDeposits variable, which increases each time a user makes a deposit.

function deposit(uint256 amount) public payable {

    if(deposits[_msgSender()] == 0) {
    deposits[_msgSender()] += amount;
    // @audit Attacker can spam to fake demand and always increase price
    prevRoundDeposits += 1; 

However, the deposit() function can be called to deposit as little as 1 wei, yet the prevRoundDeposits still increases. An attacker could exploit this by repeatedly calling deposit(), creating the illusion of high demand and driving prices up. Even without buying a ticket, they could force others to pay more.


Consider adjusting the code to only increase prevRoundDeposits when users deposit an amount equal to or greater than the current ticket price.

0ximmeas commented 1 week ago

valid, nice find