CDSecurity / Blessed-minhquanym

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[L-02] The same address could exist multiple times in `winnerAddresses[]` #9

Open minhquanym opened 2 weeks ago

minhquanym commented 2 weeks ago

[L-02] The same address could exist multiple times in winnerAddresses[]


Impact: Low

Likelihood: Low


The winnerAddresses[] list stores all winner addresses. However, the same address can be added to this list more than once. In the LotteryV2Base contract, users can roll a new random number even after claiming the winning number. If this new random number is a winning number, users can call claimNumber() to add their addresses to the winnerAddresses[] list again.


Consider preventing the same address from being added to the winnerAddresses[] list multiple times in LotteryV2Base.

0ximmeas commented 1 week ago

same as my reasoning why medium is that it could be used to lock sellers proceeds in the contract.