CDSoft / pp

PP - Generic preprocessor (with pandoc in mind) - macros, literate programming, diagrams, scripts...
GNU General Public License v3.0
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what a great Generic preprocessor! • Command line argument so that replaced empty lines are deleted #100

Closed schittli closed 3 years ago

schittli commented 3 years ago

Good evening Christophe

thank you very much for your great work - and sharing it!, it's a really great Software.

I only have just one flaw: It would be ingenious if one could activate this function via a command line argument:

  1. The preprocessor reads a macro
  2. If the preprocessor processed a line and the line has just white spaces,
  3. then this line will automatically be is deleted

The background is, that the processed result often has a lot of empty lines, for example, lines 2 to 4 are just used for debugging:


    while thisBlock != null && res === null
        !ifeq(!3)(1)(print("\nidxN Test: ", idxN))
        !ifeq(!3)(1)(print("\nthisBlock: ", thisBlock))
        !ifeq(!3)(1)(print("\nthisBlock.type: ", thisBlock.type))
        if thisBlock.type == !2

The result has an 3 empty line because the comment had to be removed:

    while thisBlock != null && res === null

        if thisBlock.type == Arg2

Thanks a lot, kind regards, Thomas

tajmone commented 3 years ago

Another solution could be to introduce a built-in macro to delete/omit the whole line from the generated output, which could then be inserted in the else clauses of examples like the above.

CDSoft commented 3 years ago

Hello, Modifying text outside macros may have undesirable effects in some cases. You can also manage the layout in the arguments of the macros. e.g.:

        !ifeq(!3)(1)(print("\nidxN Test: ", idxN)
        )!ifeq(!3)(1)(print("\nthisBlock: ", thisBlock)
        )!ifeq(!3)(1)(print("\nthisBlock.type: ", thisBlock.type)
        )if thisBlock.type == !2


        !ifeq(!3)(1)(print("\nidxN Test: ", idxN)
        print("\nthisBlock: ", thisBlock)
        print("\nthisBlock.type: ", thisBlock.type)
        )if thisBlock.type == !2
schittli commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much!, @CDSoft for your support and this cool trick!, I had to think 3 times before I understood what was happening here 😅