CDSoft / pp

PP - Generic preprocessor (with pandoc in mind) - macros, literate programming, diagrams, scripts...
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Question] Execute shell command without inserting its stdout/stderr? #21

Closed bpj closed 7 years ago

bpj commented 7 years ago

Is there a way to run a shell command without inserting its output into the pp output? I need to ensure that a certain PDF is updated before inserting it as an image. Nothing make can't handle but it would be nice if it could be done inside the document source.

CDSoft commented 7 years ago

There are several ways to do this.

bpj commented 7 years ago

you can use the macro \quiet which evaluates its argument but inserts nothing in the document: \quiet(\sh(command))

Yes of course. Stupid of me to miss that!