Take the exemple, gridsearch in examples/mri/gridsearch.py and change the wavelet to some pywt one (e.g "Bior6.8", "Db4") the grid search procedure fails when joblib is enabled because of some pickling error related to the pywt packageReason: 'PicklingError("Can't pickle <class 'pysap.extensions.transform.Bior6.8'>: attribute lookup Bior6.8 on pysap.extensions.transform failed",)
Take the exemple, gridsearch in
and change the wavelet to some pywt one (e.g "Bior6.8", "Db4") the grid search procedure fails when joblib is enabled because of some pickling error related to the pywt packageReason: 'PicklingError("Can't pickle <class 'pysap.extensions.transform.Bior6.8'>: attribute lookup Bior6.8 on pysap.extensions.transform failed",)