N2D2 is an open source CAD framework for Deep Neural Network simulation and full DNN-based applications building.
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Question about the weights organization #93

Closed nassim-abderrahmane closed 2 years ago

nassim-abderrahmane commented 3 years ago


How the weights are organized in the convolution and fully-connected files (in the files : conv_weights.syntx and fc_weights.syntx)?

Do you confirm that the final weights after learning are stored in 'weights_validation/' folder?

Thank you in advance, Nassim

olivierbichler-cea commented 3 years ago

Hi, The weights in the 'weights_validation/' folder are saved after the best validation score during the learning (not necessary the last one). The default organization of the weights is OCHW (output channels, input channels, kernel height, kernel width), but you can change it with the WeightsExportFormat INI parameter (see https://cea-list.github.io/N2D2-docs/ini_layers.html#conv). For the fully-connected layer, it is therefore just OC. Cheers, Olivier