CECapstoneW2017 / Driver

Development of Arduino/Chai3D Haptic Control Driver
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Determine how to modify the open-source falcon drivers for the HapStick #4

Open umba5897 opened 7 years ago

umba5897 commented 7 years ago

The falcon uses open source cpp drivers and the FTDI library or libusb-1.0 to communicate between the computer and the device over USB. Choose which library to use and determine how to adapt these, if at all, for a Virtual Comm Port, since this is how the Arduino appears to the computer.

Falcon driver: https://github.com/libnifalcon/libnifalcon FTDI library: http://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/D2XX.htm libusb-1.0:http://www.libusb.org/wiki/libusb-1.0#libusb-1.0