CEDStandards / CEDS-Elements

The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) are an education data management initiative whose purpose is to streamline the understanding of data within and across P-20W institutions and sectors. CEDS includes a common vocabulary complete with standard elements names, definitions, and option sets. This repository contains all the CEDS elements, definitions, option sets and their definitions, and entities and definitions. Its purpose is to expand that vocabulary to meet the needs of every education stakeholder. The expanded vocabulary is then added to the CEDS Integration Data Store and CEDS Data Warehouse – the other two repositories located here.
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Addition of a CEDS element to capture a student’s “Citizenship” grade for a course section #234

Open AmyPowellMoman opened 4 years ago

AmyPowellMoman commented 4 years ago

Author(s) Amy Powell Moman

Authoring Organization(s) North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI)

Email address amy.powellmoman@dpi.nc.gov

Use Case Title Addition of a CEDS element to capture a student’s “Citizenship” grade for a course section.

Target Date Needed ASAP

Use Case Description NCDPI would like to request the addition of a CEDS element to capture a student’s “Citizenship” grade for a course section. A citizenship grade can have multiple definitions and grading criteria and is based off observations of a student during a particular course or grading period. For illustrative purposes, it can be thought of as a student’s class participation grade. The code set for this element is: E=Excellent, S=Satisfactory, U=Unsatisfactory, N=Neutral.

Use Case Background NCDPI would like to request the addition of a CEDS element to capture a student’s “Citizenship” grade for a course section. A citizenship grade can have multiple definitions and grading criteria and is based off observations of a student during a particular course or grading period. For illustrative purposes, it can be thought of as a student’s class participation grade. The code set for this element is: E=Excellent, S=Satisfactory, U=Unsatisfactory, N=Neutral.

Location of Element in the Domain Entity Schema ?

JasonYoung-DLP commented 4 years ago


Do these students also receive a grade a measured grade? In #233 the request is to have an additional grade available (calculated and final grade). Perhaps we need to consider implementing grade as 3 columns, type code, value, a description like in the graduation cohort discussion. That would address #233, #234 and any other similar use cases.

JasonYoung-DLP commented 4 years ago

Also are you aware of any other states that share this use case?

AmyPowellMoman commented 4 years ago

We agree that adding type, value, and description for a grade could work in both cases.

I am not certain if other states share this particular use case.

4pins commented 4 years ago

We agree that adding type, value, and description for a grade could work in both cases.

@AmyPowellMoman This seems like a solid approach!

jackie-hughes commented 1 month ago

This issue is part of an active working group, and all are welcome to join. If you're interested, please contact jackie.hughes@aemcorp.com or duane.brown@aemcorp.com.

The group addresses issues submitted by SEAs that require approval from three organizations. You can access the priority tickets spreadsheet here. Teams meeting link here.