CEDStandards / CEDS-Elements

The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) are an education data management initiative whose purpose is to streamline the understanding of data within and across P-20W institutions and sectors. CEDS includes a common vocabulary complete with standard elements names, definitions, and option sets. This repository contains all the CEDS elements, definitions, option sets and their definitions, and entities and definitions. Its purpose is to expand that vocabulary to meet the needs of every education stakeholder. The expanded vocabulary is then added to the CEDS Integration Data Store and CEDS Data Warehouse – the other two repositories located here.
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Add Status Start and End Date to K12 Student>Disability #795

Closed jackie-hughes closed 4 months ago

jackie-hughes commented 8 months ago

This is for capturing needs not currently supported by the CEDS model. Please do not send or share actual data as examples in this issue or in attachments.

Author(s) AEM Center Workgroup

Authoring Organization(s) AEM Center at CAST Oregon Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education Oklahoma State Department of Education Nebraska Department of Education Iowa Department of Education AEM Corp.

Email address aem@cast.org

Use Case Title Add Status Start and End Date to K12 Student>Disability

Use Case Description Status Start and End Date Proposed new location :K12 Student>Disability

Use Case Background The AEM Center workgroup funded by OSEP identified the need for Status Start and End Date to relate to 505 Status and IDEA Indicator elements inside K12 Student> Disability.

Location of Element in the Domain Entity Schema

jackie-hughes commented 8 months ago

Proposed Solution for Issue CEDS OSC Proposed Modified ElementStatus Start.docx

The attached document is the proposed solution for this use case. As a community, please review. If no objections exist for the proposed solution, it will be approved as part of the CEDS standard 30 days following the announcement of this proposal as outlined in the OSC Use Case Rubrics/Process (The OSC Use Case Rubrics/Process can be found here: https://github.com/CEDStandards/CEDS-Elements/tree/master/doc).