CEDStandards / CEDS-Elements

The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) are an education data management initiative whose purpose is to streamline the understanding of data within and across P-20W institutions and sectors. CEDS includes a common vocabulary complete with standard elements names, definitions, and option sets. This repository contains all the CEDS elements, definitions, option sets and their definitions, and entities and definitions. Its purpose is to expand that vocabulary to meet the needs of every education stakeholder. The expanded vocabulary is then added to the CEDS Integration Data Store and CEDS Data Warehouse – the other two repositories located here.
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Expand Character Limit of Professional Development Activity Description #826

Open AnnetteRobinson opened 4 months ago

AnnetteRobinson commented 4 months ago

Author(s) Annette Robinson

Authoring Organization(s) State of Michigan/CEPI

Email address Robinsona2@michigan.gov

Use Case Title Expand Professional Development Activity Description

Use Case Description Modification to Existing Element: Professional Development Activity Description

Use Case Background The current CEDS element "Professional Development Activity Description" is limited to 30 characters, but the descriptions CEPI currently uses require additional characters. The request is to expand to a 100 character limit.

Location of Element in the Domain Entity Schema Early Learning -> Early Learning Staff -> Professional Development Activity K12 -> K12 Staff -> Professional Development Activity