CEDStandards / CEDS-IDS

The CEDS Integrated Data Store factors the entities and attributes of the CEDS Domain Entity Schema (DES) with standard technical syntax and 3rd normal form database normalization. The IDS Logical Model provides a standard framework for integration of P-20 data systems through a well-normalized “operational data store”. In a P-20 data system, the IDS models the most current view of data available to the enterprise, including some historical data (such as prior assessment data and enrollment records). A “record” is generally added for each Person-Organization Relationship change event in the system. This CEDS logical model does not directly address the production aspects of log and change management.
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The Code "LEA" is listed twice in the RefOrganizationType Table - v10.0.0.0 #59

Closed AEMDuaneBrown closed 2 years ago

AEMDuaneBrown commented 2 years ago

This is for capturing needs not currently supported by the CEDS model. Please do not send or share actual data as examples in this issue or in attachments.

Author(s) Duane Brown Authoring Organization(s) CEDS Email Address duane.brown@aemcorp.com Use Case Title The Code "LEA" is listed twice in the RefOrganizationType Table - v10.0.0.0

Use Case Overview The Code "LEA" is listed twice in the RefOrganizationType Table - v10.0.0.0. There should only be one code in that table. It appears as thought the first record in the able is the erroneous record. The Domain Entity Schema only has LEA listed once and the definition matches the second record in the list.

Pull Request Number(s) (If applicable)

Use Case Background Provide information related to why these changes/additions are needed.

Components Affected Delete everything from the list below except the components affected:

CEDS Integrated Data Store (complete IDS Design Overview Table)

CEDS Element Gap Analysis Provide link to CEDS Align Map or Connection.


Description of Proposed Changes Provide a concise description of the proposed changes.

As-Is Diagram Add as an attachment in this issue.

Proposed To-Be Diagram Add as an attachment in this issue.

DATA WAREHOUSE DESIGN OVERVIEW (Includes Dim, Fact, and Report tables)

Description of Proposed Changes Provide a concise description of the proposed changes.

As-Is Diagram Add as an attachment in this issue.

Proposed To-Be Diagram Add as an attachment in this issue.


Description of Proposed Changes Provide a concise description of the proposed changes.

New Business Rule Provide a concise and comprehensive description of the new business rule.

Existing Business Rule Provide a concise and comprehensive description of the existing business rule.

Changed Business Rule Provide a concise and comprehensive description of the changes to be made to the business rule.