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investigate lingering issues with SMOKE v4.9 #64

Closed cseppan closed 1 year ago

cseppan commented 1 year ago

From Christine Allen:

We are still using Smkreport from 4.8 (core dumps / hangs that were partially but not completely fixed a while back) and Mrggrid from 4.7 (some of the files we generate with the “combine” program for some sectors don’t work with Mrggrid 4.8+ for whatever reason, we haven’t worried about this one because Mrggrid hasn’t really had any important updates and the older version is fine).

bokhaeng commented 1 year ago

I just checked the updated version of Mrggrid to support the Farm Emissions Model (FEM) that requires county-level meteorology inputs based on the MCIP files. https://github.com/CEMPD/SMOKE/commit/e65db2de6d421d2be0492a4f494f35e0108a8abe

bokhaeng commented 1 year ago

For mrggrid issue, Chirstine Allen shortened the length of sector environment names to avoid this issue. Previously, UNC was not able to replicate this issue on their server. We will leave it as it is for now until it becomes an issue again.

bokhaeng commented 1 year ago

For Smkreport issue,GMU tried to replicate the issue but it failed, and suspected that this weird behavior of Smkreport may be related to EPA ifort compiler/server. @jlbeidler and I got together to resolve this issue by recompiling netCDF, IOAPI and SMOKE with the same version of ifort. (v19, v17, v21,,,) None of trials did not help to identify the issue. Compiler flag --tracebacks option did not generate any valuable error message, and debug version did not work either. We downloaded the precompiled executables from CMAS/GitHub repo and they worked correctly without any error. We believe that this issues of Smkreport and possibly Mrggrid are related to the EPA server/compilers.

cseppan commented 1 year ago

Some notes from how the CMAS executables were compiled:

export BIN=Linux2_x86_64ifort17.4 module load intel/17.4

update Makeinclude to set 'MFLAGS = -traceback' (turns off specific architecture flag)