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Difference in hourly NOX between inventory and model ready emissions #66

Closed jlbeidler closed 1 year ago

jlbeidler commented 1 year ago

Annual summary of post-SMOKE hourly model ready hourly emissions does not match hourly or annual inventory values for some sources using hourly emissions. Hourly and annual inventories of select units from the 2016v3 platform EGUs are attached. Units with ORIS IDs 8226/1, 2828/2, and 2442/4 show largest differences.

For example: unit 8226/1 (EIS Unit ID 98945613) an hourly SMOKE report shows post SMOKE emissions of 0.4818118 tons/hour at the beginning of each month that do not appear in the hourly FF10 inventories.


bokhaeng commented 1 year ago

The cause of this mismatch issue between the sum of hourly and annual total emissions is caused by missing county-level daylight saving treatment in hourly inventory. There is no need of code updates other than updating the hourly inventory in GMT and then process them without timezone/daylight saving treatment (updating COSTCY with disabling dayling saving flag).