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SMOKE Utility Programs Geofac: Mismatch in number of variable issue; Documentation needs update #95

Open hnqtran opened 2 months ago

hnqtran commented 2 months ago

Geofac checks the input INFILE for consistently in /NUMBER OF VARIABLES/ value from global attributes and the actual number of variables which has one additional variable TFLAG. This cause Geofac to crash with the following message as example:

forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #1 of the array VTYPESET has value 63 which is greater than the upper bound of 62

Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
geofac             0000000000929C46  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
geofac             0000000000409FEC  descset_                  249  descset.f
geofac             0000000000401394  MAIN__                    109  geofac.f
geofac             0000000000401252  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
geofac             0000000000AFC111  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
geofac             000000000040111E  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Geofac specifically looks for variable IFAC in GEOMASK file but currently there is no mention of this required variable in the SMOKE User Manual

hnqtran commented 1 month ago

Progress Update:

Geofac in the released SMOKE 5.0 is not functional. Even if the someone managed to get it run, no emission control factor was applied to the input gridded emission and the output file is essentially identical to the input file.

Modifications were made to Geofac with bugfix and additional features. New documentation has been developed: https://www.cmascenter.org/smoke/documentation/5.1_test/html/ch03s03s05.html