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errors running load_shapefile_reproject_multi.2017.csh #8

Open cseppan opened 2 years ago

cseppan commented 2 years ago

Results of running load_shapefile_reproject_multi.2017.csh

pil_2019_06_24 Finished loading shapefile: /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/PIL/pil_2019_06_24.shp NOTICE: index "pil_2019_06_24_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping ERROR: Geometry type (Point) does not match column type (MultiPoint) MultiPoint

ERTAC_railyard_WRF Finished loading shapefile: /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/2010/ERTAC_railyard_WRF.shp NOTICE: index "ertac_railyard_wrf_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping ERROR: Geometry type (Point) does not match column type (MultiPoint) MultiPoint ⚠️ not used in 2017 surrogates

NTAD_2016_ipcd Finished loading shapefile: /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/NTAD/NTAD_2016_ipcd.shp NOTICE: index "ntad_2016_ipcd_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping ERROR: Geometry type (Point) does not match column type (MultiPoint) MultiPoint

EIA_2015_US_Oil Finished loading shapefile: /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/EIA/EIA_2015_US_Oil.shp NOTICE: index "eia_2015_us_oil_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping ERROR: Geometry type (Point) does not match column type (MultiPoint) MultiPoint

USGS_2011_mines Finished loading shapefile: /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/USGS/USGS_2011_mines.shp NOTICE: index "usgs_2011_mines_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping ERROR: Geometry type (Point) does not match column type (MultiPoint) MultiPoint

usa_golf_courses_2019_10 Finished loading shapefile: /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/POI/usa_golf_courses_2019_10.shp NOTICE: index "usa_golf_courses_2019_10_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping ERROR: Geometry type (Point) does not match column type (MultiPoint) MultiPoint

cseppan commented 2 years ago

CONUS_AK_NLCD_2011_500m_WGS ... NOTICE: Ring Self-intersection at or near point -238467.72517169046 -1449697.083131802 server closed the connection unexpectedly This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. connection to server was lost

cseppan commented 2 years ago

US_Airports_NEI08v2_WRF FAILURE: Unable to open datasource `/proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/US/US_Airports_NEI08v2_WRF.shp' ⚠️ not used in 2017 surrogates

CondensateCBMProd FAILURE: Unable to open datasource `/proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/OilGas/CondensateCBMProd.shp' ⚠️ not used in 2017 surrogates

SpudCount_Oil ERROR 4: Unable to open /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/OilGas/SpudCount_Oil.shx or /proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/OilGas/SpudCount_Oil.SHX. FAILURE: Unable to open datasource `/proj/ie/proj/staff/cseppan/srgtool/data/emiss_shp2017/OilGas/SpudCount_Oil.shp' ⚠️ no change from 2014 or 2016 shapefiles

cseppan commented 2 years ago

Completions_Gas.shp NOTICE: index "completions_gas_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping ERROR: ST_Transform: Input geometry has unknown (0) SRID COMPLETI_1 MultiPolygon ⚠️ no change from 2014 or 2016 shapefiles, need to copy Completions_Gas.prj

cseppan commented 2 years ago

AllExploratoryWells.shp NOTICE: index "allexploratorywells_geom_900921_idx" does not exist, skipping TOTAL_EX_1 MultiPolygon ERROR: column "total_ex_1" does not exist LINE 2: TOTAL_EX_1_dens_900921=TOTAL_EX_1/area_900921 ; ⚠️ not used in 2017 surrogates