Closed lizadams closed 3 years ago
I do think people use the PDF, so we need to figure this out. From the error message, it looks like there is a conflict where something is being built under the new version and something else is being built using the old version.
update to show wind vector plot for MPAS data
I am getting an error when I try to use the pandoc script to build the PDF. It may be because I have upgraded the pandoc version. It seems to be hanging on the, but I tried to go back many older versions of this file, and can't get it to build. So I think that this may be a version issue for PANDOC.
pandoc -s -N -F pandoc-crossref --citeproc --number-offset=0 --template=./templates/mytemplate.tex -f markdown-shortcut_reference_links --filter ./filter/ --variable mainfont="Times New Roman" --variable sansfont="Helvetica" --variable monofont="Menlo" --variable fontsize=12pt --variable version=2.1 --variable title="VERDI 2.1 User Manual" --variable subtitle="08/22/2021" --toc --variable geometry:margin=1in --pdf-engine=xelatex -s -o ./PDF/VERDIUserManual.pdf [WARNING] Duplicate link reference '[0]' at chunk line 17 column 1 WARNING: pandoc-crossref was compiled with pandoc but is being run through 2.12. This is not supported. Strange things may (and likely will) happen silently. Error producing PDF. ! Undefined control sequence. \LT@array ->\global \let \caption@opt@@longtable \@undefined \def \captionse... l.145 ...mnwidth - 8\tabcolsep) * \real{0.11}}@{}}
(base) liz-mbp:User_Manual lizadams$ which pandoc /Users/lizadams/opt/anaconda3/bin/pandoc
Not sure what to do, but this isn't good. Do many people use the PDF Version?
The Help VERDI option links directly to the markdown version on github.