CENDARI / editorsnotes

Note-taking environment for the CE
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request for a button to the menu in the tinyMCEeditor to insert references, see description [JIRA CVRE-162] #163

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Working with the ARGs in the NTE we've noticed that sometimes we need to insert references to indexes and handlists (mainly in printed form), like in the example below:

Remigio de' Girolami n. 1240 ca., m. 1319: BIBL.GEN: Kaeppeli III.297-302; [...]

Among medievalists Kaeppeli is widely known and (probably) doesn't need any form of explanation, but still - for the sake of completeness - we'd like to add a reference to the repertoire resolved form, that is:

"Thomas Kaeppeli Scriptores Ordinis Praedicatorum Medii Aevi 4 voll., Roma 1970-1993 [vol. IV T-Z. Praemissis addendis et corrigendis ad volumina I-III cur. Thomas Kaeppeli (†) - Emilio Panella]"

I may be missing something, but it seems that in the stylesheet such a case is not yet described.

I propose to use the tag, described here: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_abbr.asp

The user will be notified of the presence of such a reference by the mouse pointer that will be showed as a big (bold) question mark. The resolution of the acronym will be showed in a tooltip.

The syntax could not have been simpler: [CODE]



Jorg suggested: please write a JIRA ticket asking Manolis to add a button to the menu in the tinyMCEeditor, which seems to be much easier than always adding code to the html


reported by LorenzaTromboni on 2015-05-20T09:57:53.781+0200