CERN-PH-CMG / cmg-cmssw

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W mass analysis (PR focused on electron channel) #694

Closed emanueledimarco closed 7 years ago

emanueledimarco commented 7 years ago

Adding tree producer, plotting macros and few utils for W mass analysis, especially electron channel. It inherits analyzers from TTHAnalysis where possible, introducing few changes directly in these analyzers. It adds:

plotting / table making is in WMass/python/plotter and friend trees making in macros mainly implements residual data/MC electron scale corrections from ntuples, using EGamma standard tools to avoid duplication of code.

Note: even this focus on electron channels, ntuples contain muons as well, with the MuScle corrections as used in the legacy H4l analysis of Run1 (until KaMuCa at 8TeV are available).

@perrozzi @crovelli @cippy also are interested in this.