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problem with printing event info in event.__str__ #757

Open vinzenzstampf opened 5 years ago

vinzenzstampf commented 5 years ago

when calling the function _get_print_attrs in there is an error with handling an HLT related object:

*** SystemError: none of the 2 overloaded methods succeeded. Full details: edm::HLTPathStatus& edm::HLTGlobalStatus::operator[](const unsigned int i) => could not convert argument 1 (Objects/longobject.c:426: bad argument to internal function) const edm::HLTPathStatus& edm::HLTGlobalStatus::operator[](const unsigned int i) => could not convert argument 1 (Objects/longobject.c:426: bad argument to internal function)

this is called twice in, here and here, and causes the loop to crash

for now i've just commented out the print out calling self.event.__str__ and self.event in

is there a fix for this?