TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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CUDA implementation of CTnoise #320

Closed tsadakane closed 3 years ago

tsadakane commented 3 years ago

1. Summary

Backend of CTnoise for Python and addCTnoise for Matlab are replaced with CUDA implementation.


I bought new Matlab, but no money to buy Matlab Image Processing Toolbox nor Statictics Toolbox. ToT)

tsadakane commented 3 years ago

2. CUDA implementation



import _RandomNumberGenerator as RNG

This is just a basic example of very few TIGRE functionallity.

We hihgly recomend checking the Demos folder, where most if not all features of tigre are demoed.

listGpuNames = gpu.getGpuNames() if len(listGpuNames) == 0: print("Error: No gpu found") else: for id in range(len(listGpuNames)): print("{}: {}".format(id, listGpuNames[id]))

gpuids = gpu.getGpuIds(listGpuNames[0]) print(gpuids)


geo = tigre.geometry(mode="cone", nVoxel=np.array([256, 256, 256]), default=True) geo.dDetector = np.array([0.8, 0.8]) 2 # size of each pixel (mm) geo.sDetector = geo.dDetector geo.nDetector


nangles = 512 angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nangles, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float32)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,2, sharex=True, sharey=True)

list_results = []



#################### projections_g = np.zeros([nangles, geo.nDetector[0], geo.nDetector[1]], dtype=np.float32) Gaussian = np.array([3, 0.5])

noise_data = np.random.normal(Gaussian[0], Gaussian[1], size=projections_g.shape) # warmup

time_start = time.time() noise_data = np.random.normal(Gaussian[0], Gaussian[1], size=projections_g.shape) time_end = time.time()-time_start print(noise_data.shape) list_results.append("G0 time: {}, mean: {}, sd : {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(time_end, np.average(noise_data), np.sqrt(np.var(noise_data)), np.min(noise_data), np.max(noise_data))) noise_data = noise_data.reshape([-1]) ax = axes[0,0] ax.set_title("Python") ax.set_ylabel("Normal") count, bins, ignored = ax.hist(noise_data, 100, density=True)

time_start = time.time() noise_data = RNG.add_noise(projections_g, Gaussian[0], Gaussian[1]) time_end = time.time()-time_start list_results.append("G1 time: {}, mean: {}, sd : {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(time_end, np.average(noise_data), np.sqrt(np.var(noise_data)), np.min(noise_data), np.max(noise_data))) noise_data = noise_data.reshape([-1]) ax = axes[0,1] ax.set_title("CUDA") count, bins, ignored = ax.hist(noise_data, 100, density=True)




projections_p = np.zeros([nangles, geo.nDetector[0], geo.nDetector[1]], dtype=np.float32) projections_p[:, :, :] = 10 noise_data = np.random.poisson(projections_p) #warmup

time_start = time.time() noise_data = np.random.poisson(projections_p) time_end = time.time()-time_start list_results.append("P0 time: {}, mean: {}, sd : {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(time_end, np.average(noise_data), np.sqrt(np.var(noise_data)), np.min(noise_data), np.max(noise_data))) noise_data = noise_data.reshape([-1]) ax = axes[1, 0] ax.set_ylabel("Poisson") count, bins, ignored = ax.hist(noise_data, 100, density=True)

rng = np.random.default_rng()

time_start = time.time()

noise_data = rng.poisson(projections_p)

time_p[1] = time.time()-time_start

print("P2 mean: {}, sd : {}".format(np.average(noise_data), np.sqrt(np.var(noise_data))))

noise_data = noise_data.reshape([-1])

count, bins, ignored = axes[1, 1].hist(noise_data, 100, density=True)

noise_data = RNG.add_poisson(projections_p) #warmup

time_start = time.time() noise_data = RNG.add_poisson(projections_p) time_end = time.time()-time_start list_results.append("P1 time: {}, mean: {}, sd : {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(time_end, np.average(noise_data), np.sqrt(np.var(noise_data)), np.min(noise_data), np.max(noise_data))) noise_data = noise_data.reshape([-1]) ax=axes[1, 1] count, bins, ignored = ax.hist(noise_data, 100, density=True)




noise_data = np.random.poisson(projections_p) # warmup

time_start = time.time() noise_data = np.random.poisson(projections_p) noise_data = noise_data + np.random.normal(Gaussian[0], Gaussian[1], size=noise_data.shape) time_end = time.time()-time_start list_results.append("PG0 time: {}, mean: {}, sd : {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(time_end, np.average(noise_data), np.sqrt(np.var(noise_data)), np.min(noise_data), np.max(noise_data))) noise_data = noise_data.reshape([-1]) ax = axes[2, 0] ax.set_ylabel("Poisson + Normal") count, bins, ignored = ax.hist(noise_data, 100, density=True)

noise_data = RNG.add_noise(projections_p, Gaussian[0], Gaussian[1]) # warmup

time_start = time.time() noise_data = RNG.add_noise(projections_p, Gaussian[0], Gaussian[1]) time_end = time.time()-time_start list_results.append("PG1 time: {}, mean: {}, sd : {}, min: {}, max: {}".format(time_end, np.average(noise_data), np.sqrt(np.var(noise_data)), np.min(noise_data), np.max(noise_data))) noise_data = noise_data.reshape([-1]) ax=axes[2, 1] count, bins, ignored = ax.hist(noise_data, 100, density=True)


Show Results

#################### for line in list_results: print(line)



### Result

* Distributions look the same
* CUDA  version is faster in most of the cases.

G0 time: 0.796917200088501, mean: 3.0000234450711574, sd : 0.4999682128226512, min: 0.3364493374464943, max: 5.64485169303217 G1 time: 0.9529380798339844, mean: 3.0000410079956055, sd : 0.49989402294158936, min: 0.21702957153320312, max: 5.765656471252441 P0 time: 2.7501330375671387, mean: 9.99996104836464, sd : 3.1621095114201148, min: 0, max: 32 P1 time: 0.07698988914489746, mean: 10.00020980834961, sd : 3.1637797355651855, min: 0.0, max: 31.0 PG0 time: 3.5634419918060303, mean: 13.000713100842493, sd : 3.2016939344581368, min: 1.392856437922212, max: 34.41406140912264 PG1 time: 0.0905461311340332, mean: 13.000432968139648, sd : 3.201979160308838, min: 1.1816163063049316, max: 36.43503189086914


### Environment
* Windows 10
* Python 3.8.5 (anaconda)
* MSVC 2019
* RTX 2080Ti x2 + GTX 1070
tsadakane commented 3 years ago

3. Python



import numpy as np
import tigre
import tigre.algorithms as algs
from tigre.utilities import sample_loader
from tigre.utilities.Measure_Quality import Measure_Quality
import tigre.utilities.gpu as gpu
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tigre.utilities import CTnoise

listGpuNames = gpu.getGpuNames()
if len(listGpuNames) == 0:
    print("Error: No gpu found")
    for id in range(len(listGpuNames)):
        print("{}: {}".format(id, listGpuNames[id]))

gpuids = gpu.getGpuIds(listGpuNames[0])

# Geometry
geo = tigre.geometry(mode="cone", nVoxel=np.array([256, 256, 256]), default=True)
geo.dDetector = np.array([0.8, 0.8]) * 2  # size of each pixel            (mm)
geo.sDetector = geo.dDetector * geo.nDetector

nangles = 100
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nangles, endpoint=False, dtype=np.float32)

# Prepare projection data
head = sample_loader.load_head_phantom(geo.nVoxel)
proj = tigre.Ax(head, geo, angles, gpuids=gpuids)

proj_noise = CTnoise.add(proj, Poisson=1e5, Gaussian=np.array([0, 10]))

# Reconstruct
niter = 3
fdk_clean = algs.fdk(proj, geo, angles, gpuids=gpuids)
fdk_noise = algs.fdk(proj_noise, geo, angles, gpuids=gpuids)

# Measure Quality
print("RMSE fdk_clean:")
print(Measure_Quality(fdk_clean, head, ["nRMSE"]))
print("RMSE fdk_noise")
print(Measure_Quality(fdk_noise, head, ["nRMSE"]))

# Plot
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 2)
axes[0, 0].set_title("CLEAN")
axes[0, 0].imshow(fdk_clean[geo.nVoxel[0] // 2])
axes[1, 0].imshow(fdk_clean[:, geo.nVoxel[1] // 2, :])
axes[2, 0].imshow(fdk_clean[:, :, geo.nVoxel[2] // 2])
axes[0, 1].set_title("NOISE")
axes[0, 1].imshow(fdk_noise[geo.nVoxel[0] // 2])
axes[1, 1].imshow(fdk_noise[:, geo.nVoxel[1] // 2, :])
axes[2, 1].imshow(fdk_noise[:, :, geo.nVoxel[2] // 2])


RMSE fdk_clean:
RMSE fdk_noise



tsadakane commented 3 years ago




%% TEST MEX function AddNoise
%% Initialize
close all;

%% Geometry
listGpuNames = getGpuNames();
gpuids = GpuIds(listGpuNames(1));
geo.dDetector = [0.8; 0.8] * 2;
geo.sDetector = geo.dDetector.* geo.nDetector;

nangles = 512;

ol_results = [];

% ####################
% ####################
projections_g = zeros(nangles, geo.nDetector(1), geo.nDetector(2), 'single');
Gaussian = [3, 0.5];

% Matlab
time_start = tic;
noise_data = randn(size(projections_g)).* Gaussian(2) + Gaussian(1);
time_end = toc(time_start);
noise_data = reshape(noise_data, [1,numel(noise_data)]);
ol_results = [ol_results  sprintf('G0 time: %f,  mean: %f, sd : %f, min: %f, max: %f\n',time_end, mean(noise_data), sqrt(var(noise_data)), min(noise_data), max(noise_data))];
histogram(noise_data, 100, 'Normalization', 'probability');

noise_data = AddNoise(projections_g, Gaussian(1), Gaussian(2));
time_end = toc;
noise_data = reshape(noise_data, [1,numel(noise_data)]);
ol_results = [ol_results  sprintf('G1 time: %f,  mean: %f, sd : %f, min: %f, max: %f\n',time_end, mean(noise_data), sqrt(var(noise_data)), min(noise_data), max(noise_data))];
histogram(noise_data, 100, 'Normalization', 'probability');

% ####################
% ####################
projections_p = ones(nangles, geo.nDetector(1), geo.nDetector(2), 'single');
projections_p = projections_p*10;

% Matlab
time_start = tic;
noise_data = poissrnd(projections_p);
time_end = toc(time_start);
noise_data = reshape(noise_data, [1,numel(noise_data)]);
ol_results = [ol_results  sprintf('P0 time: %f,  mean: %f, sd : %f, min: %f, max: %f\n',time_end, mean(noise_data), sqrt(var(noise_data)), min(noise_data), max(noise_data))];
histogram(noise_data, 100, 'Normalization', 'probability');

noise_data = AddNoise(projections_p, 0, 0);
time_end = toc;
noise_data = reshape(noise_data, [1,numel(noise_data)]);
ol_results = [ol_results  sprintf('P1 time: %f,  mean: %f, sd : %f, min: %f, max: %f\n',time_end, mean(noise_data), sqrt(var(noise_data)), min(noise_data), max(noise_data))];
histogram(noise_data, 100, 'Normalization', 'probability');

% ####################
% ####################

% Matlab
time_start = tic;
noise_data = poissrnd(projections_p) + randn(size(projections_p)).* Gaussian(2) + Gaussian(1);
time_end = toc(time_start);
noise_data = reshape(noise_data, [1,numel(noise_data)]);
ol_results = [ol_results  sprintf('PG0 time: %f,  mean: %f, sd : %f, min: %f, max: %f\n',time_end, mean(noise_data), sqrt(var(noise_data)), min(noise_data), max(noise_data))];
histogram(noise_data, 100, 'Normalization', 'probability');

noise_data = AddNoise(projections_p, Gaussian(1), Gaussian(2));
time_end = toc;
noise_data = reshape(noise_data, [1,numel(noise_data)]);
ol_results = [ol_results  sprintf('PG1 time: %f,  mean: %f, sd : %f, min: %f, max: %f\n',time_end, mean(noise_data), sqrt(var(noise_data)), min(noise_data), max(noise_data))];
histogram(noise_data, 100, 'Normalization', 'probability');

% Display results

Result 1

G0 time: 0.286028,  mean: 3.000058, sd : 0.500014, min: 0.143546, max: 5.639248
G1 time: 0.125132,  mean: 3.000041, sd : 0.499424, min: 0.217030, max: 5.765656
P0 time: 13.446568,  mean: 9.999731, sd : 3.161444, min: 0.000000, max: 32.000000
P1 time: 0.101630,  mean: 10.000159, sd : 3.163700, min: 0.000000, max: 33.000000
PG0 time: 13.880320,  mean: 12.999625, sd : 3.198814, min: 1.256511, max: 35.258408
PG1 time: 0.089953,  mean: 13.000519, sd : 3.198972, min: 1.181616, max: 36.435032


Environment 1

Code 2

Check addCTnoise function


%% TEST New addCTnoise
%% Initialize
close all;
%% Geometry
listGpuNames = getGpuNames();
gpuids = GpuIds(listGpuNames(1));

%% Load data and generate projections 
% define angles
nangles = 512;
% Load thorax phatom data
% generate projections
projections=Ax(head,geo,angles,'interpolated', 'gpuids', gpuids);
% add noise
noise_project_default = addCTnoise(projections);
noise_projections_cuda  =addCTnoise(projections, 'Implementation', 'cuda');
time_cuda = toc;
noise_projections_matlab=addCTnoise(projections, 'Implementation', 'matlab');
time_matlab = toc;

%% Reconstruct images using FDK

imgFDK_clean =FDK(projections,geo,angles, 'gpuids', gpuids);
imgFDK_matlab=FDK(noise_projections_matlab,geo,angles, 'gpuids', gpuids);
imgFDK_cuda  =FDK(noise_projections_cuda,geo,angles, 'gpuids', gpuids);

disp(sprintf('TIME  MATLAB: %f sec. CUDA: %f sec.', time_matlab, time_cuda));
disp(sprintf('RMSE  clean: %f  MATLAB: %f, CUDA: %f', ...
    Measure_Quality(imgFDK_clean, head, {'RMSE'}),...
    Measure_Quality(imgFDK_matlab, head, {'RMSE'}),...
    Measure_Quality(imgFDK_cuda, head, {'RMSE'})));

% Show the results
plotImg([imgFDK_clean, imgFDK_matlab,imgFDK_cuda],'Dim','Z', 'Savegif','CompareAddCtNoise.gif');

Result 2

TIME  MATLAB: 1.777687 sec. CUDA: 0.277269 sec.
RMSE  clean: 0.024610  MATLAB: 0.026564, CUDA: 0.027060


Environment 2

tsadakane commented 3 years ago
  1. Discussions
AnderBiguri commented 3 years ago

Wonderful work, and I completely agree with the vanillaness.

I am away on annual leave the next couple of weeks, I will check this after that and merge!

AnderBiguri commented 3 years ago

Still have not tested this, apologies, will try to do it in the following days. However, I fully agree that making the default CUDA is the best. Feel free to add that.

tsadakane commented 3 years ago

It seems to me that the comments about the default value of Poisson noise (of matlab addCTnoise) needs more explanation.

In order to make this function easier to use, I think that it would be a solution to introduce a parameter that connects the photon count and the ADC of the detector because Poisson noise is based on the photon count and the electric noise is measured in the scale of the ADC. This is another issue though.

AnderBiguri commented 3 years ago

All looks good from here.

Could you do a couple of things?

1- You wrote the code, feel free to remove my name from the coders in the new files 2- Add to the feature description

AnderBiguri commented 3 years ago

In order to make this function easier to use, I think that it would be a solution to introduce a parameter that connects the photon count and the ADC of the detector because Poisson noise is based on the photon count and the electric noise is measured in the scale of the ADC. This is another issue though.

I do agree here, but I never knew how to add this. In my experience, the detectors (and users) tend to scale the max photon count to the max value of the ADC, so there is no direct way to know the photon count from a measured projection set. I agree that the description of I0 should be better though.

tsadakane commented 3 years ago

so there is no direct way to know the photon count from a measured projection set

I agree. So I think the parameter value will come from outside. The detector manufacturer knows [ADC Counts/uR] for the specific mode of the specific detector. Many radiologists measure the value (and the spectrum) by themselves (I guess). If the projection data is based on computer simulation, the user can choose the value (the user might be able to add noise by him(her)self instead of using TIGRE in this case though.). As for the photon counting detector, I think that the projection data is nothing but the photon count, but I am not sure about the electric noise in this case...

So far, I don't have an idea that is compatible with existing code though... :-P

AnderBiguri commented 3 years ago

I suggest we leave I0 as is then, as I don't see a way to cater to all different detector types...

When I Worked with uCT scans, there in each single scan, the photon count was different, for example. You could analogically tune kV and mA for each scan, so there wasn't even a possibility of knowing how much there was....

tsadakane commented 3 years ago

I suggest we leave I0 as is then, as I don't see a way to cater to all different detector types...

Agree. I am not going add commit for this PR.

You could analogically tune kV and mA for each scan, so there wasn't even a possibility of knowing how much there was....

True. So it is necessary to do experiments using a device like The output of this device is the numbers of the photons of each energy bins, detected in the certain time window.

tsadakane commented 3 years ago

Thank you for accepting my PR and the discussion.

AnderBiguri commented 3 years ago

Absolutely! I really appreciate all the fantastic work you are contributing, I can't thank you enough :)