TIGRE: Tomographic Iterative GPU-based Reconstruction Toolbox
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Error when execute CUDA kernel function #324

Closed AnderBiguri closed 3 years ago

AnderBiguri commented 3 years ago

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Originally posted by **jaegon-kim-77** August 26, 2021 Hello. My name is Jaegon Kim. Last few weeks I have tried build and execute TIGRE toolkit on Matlab. My environment is like follow. - Window 10 x64 - Matlab 2016b - CUDA 9.2 - RTX 3060 (12GB global memory, 8.6 of CUDA compute capability) - Visual studio 2015 I have followed step by step instruction on "" and there were no errors when I execute "Compile.m". After this step I have execute "InitTIGRE.m" also. But when I try execute demo file like "d03_generateData.m" on Demos folder there were problem on execution CUDA kernel function (I guess. Error message is "no kernel image is available for execution on the device"). Since I could not resolve this problem, I have build CUDA kernel function execution file(exe) and then call that execution file(before execute that I have to write parameters and image data to file.) instead of direct call CUDA kernel function on mex file, and I can see results on MATLAB. Anyway I can execute some algorithms but there are huge overheads since my method introduce file read/write frequently. If anybody can give me some information or direction then it will be a big help for me. Thanks for read this question.