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Books covers from Amazon #14

Closed ntarocco closed 4 years ago

ntarocco commented 5 years ago

It looks like that to be able to use Amazon covers we need to comply with Amazon TOS, which in a few points (to be reviewed!) means:

Reference: (check point VIII): FR: IT: Same page in .com is blank: but reading around, it has the same policy.

How fetching works now in CDS

  1. Search using API by ISBN:
  2. Normally there is only 1 results, parse it and fetch the images urls

Amazon API documentation


It might be wise to create a dedicated microservice for this.

A tool to fetch book cover from multiple sources (as inspiration):

agentilb commented 5 years ago

In addition to this, here is the list of all Operating agreements for the different Amazons:

For .fr, .it and .de this links to a specific license about the API as said above, whereas for .com and .uk, this links to a general agreement about the associate program, which then links to this document, I did not notice before:

Here we find basically the same instruction as for .fr, .it and .de:

(h) You will not store or cache Product Advertising Content consisting of an image, but you may store a link to Product Advertising Content consisting of an image for up to 24 hours. You may store other Product Advertising Content that does not consist of images for caching purposes for up to 24 hours, but if you do so you must immediately thereafter refresh and re-display the Product Advertising Content by making a call to PA API or retrieving a new Data Feed and refreshing the Product Advertising Content on your application immediately thereafter. Unless otherwise notified by us, you may store individual Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) for an indefinite period until the termination of this License. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if your application includes a client application, the client application may not store or cache Product Advertising Content. Upon our request you will, within three business days of our request, furnish us with a copy of any client application that includes or uses Product Advertising Content for the purpose of verifying your compliance with this License.

agentilb commented 5 years ago

Message received from on December, 3rd 2018:

Dear CERN Library,

As a result of changes to the Swiss value added tax law, Amazon’s international shopping options will change as of 2019. While we regret any inconvenience this may cause, from 26 December 2018 customers shopping on and other non-EU Amazon websites will not be able to ship non-digital orders to any shipping address in the Swiss Customs Union. We encourage all our customers shipping orders to a delivery address in the Swiss Customs Union to shop on Amazon websites in the EU (,,,, to access millions of products across multiple categories, including books, fashion, toys, and electronics.

With the change of the international shopping options, we regrettably will not be able to transfer unused gift card balances to Amazon websites in the EU. Therefore, all customers who have outstanding funds on their non EU Amazon accounts are kindly requested to utilize them before 26 December 2018. After that date, you will still be able to buy digital products such as apps and Kindle books with your outstanding balance.

Thank you for choosing to shop with Amazon.

=> I've sent an email to ask if we are still allowed to use the API on even if we do not order anymore on If the answer is no, we would have to rely only on, and for the covers.

=> We should be able to continue using using our French address. So this comment can be ignored.

ntarocco commented 4 years ago

Book cover provider changed, syndetics is the new provider.