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Importer - feedback 02/11/2021 #652

Closed agentilb closed 2 years ago

agentilb commented 2 years ago

All sources

Springer import

EBL import

EBL delete

SAFARI delete

kpsherva commented 2 years ago

Many e-items, and documents not deleted: ex. line 5, the document exists in sandbox, but the e-item is not deleted, nor the document: (same problem as mentioned for EBL)

the title does not match in this case. Any other cases in safari? You mentioned many...

kpsherva commented 2 years ago

@agentilb for some cases we are missing the example files you have used for testing

kpsherva commented 2 years ago

The print ISBN (from 77680$z) seems correctly added for the updated records, but not for new records. Ex: Line 2 [978-3-030-26025-5].

the subfield you have given in the mapping for the ISBN value was "a" not "z", that is why the identifiers are not added as expected. I will change the subfield identifier to "z" since the example file contains only this subfield, there was no "a" . If you would prefer to change it, please let me know

agentilb commented 2 years ago

For the deletions, I saw your comment. The title shouldn't be taken into account in this case, because we might have cleaned it between the import and the deletion, therefore, if we not match at the deletion the example shows exactly that case ("Accounting At Your Fingertips, 2e" / "Accounting At Your Fingertips"). So for deletions, if the identifiers match (ISBN + provider identifier), the deletion should happen without further checks.