CERNDocumentServer / cds-ils

CERN Library integrated library system.
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Display title of page in Tab #793

Open salomerohr opened 1 year ago

salomerohr commented 1 year ago

The tabs are all displaying 'CERN Library Catalogue' and it can be quite difficult to differentiate them when we work on several tabs opened at the same time.

On CDS or INSPIRE, the title of the page is displayed: tabs

Would it be something that can be changed?

kpsherva commented 3 months ago

TODO UX: please make sure the Purchase orders are differenciated from ILLs for the backoffice. Details page of the book: come up with different ideas on how to help the user. f.e. CLC: <book title> could it be an option? We could also consider a special favicon for the CLC (nice-to-have)

salomerohr commented 3 months ago

CLC: book title -> Yes. Favicon would be great! We have a logo for the CERN Library, see attached. Would that be an option? CERN Library logo