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Commit and forget - intro to CI #59

Open adavidzh opened 7 years ago

adavidzh commented 7 years ago

How many times did you check out someone's branch from a pull request to then try things for yourself before performing the merge? Would it not be better if that test could be packaged and re-run for every future pull request automatically?

Or imagine you change your analysis code and everything is re-run from where it is needed and the paper draft is updated automatically?

I know that the tools exist (continuous integration, build checking, automated testing, bots that do your bidding) but I do not know the details.

If anyone know more about these, esp. using the CERN stack, it would be a great thing to learn about.

RaoOfPhysics commented 7 years ago

@adavidzh: You had better attend the lesson in person! None of this "I'm in the room next door but connecting via Vidyo" nonsense. :P

adavidzh commented 7 years ago

@RaoOfPhysics: when I attended on Vidyo, I was not even on the CERN site. In any case, perhaps we can have a vote on whether this is interesting for others as well. If not, oh well.