Content for the CERT Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
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Create a glossary #2

Closed j--- closed 2 months ago

j--- commented 3 years ago

It would be convenient to have all the defined terms in one place. A glossary would be ideal. Secondary request is to have the document self-link, so that it's obvious when a term in the text is defined in the glossary.

ahouseholder commented 3 years ago

https://github.com/disclose/dioterms is a project that provides open-source vulnerability disclosure policies. While developing our glossary we should try to converge/harmonize on common definitions that are compatible with their resources as well.

ahouseholder commented 3 years ago

Partly inspired by this twitter thread https://twitter.com/caseyjohnellis/status/1351531878562447362 and by coincident work on SSVC...

Clarify terms:

Photo on 1-19-21 at 10 10 AM

ahouseholder commented 2 months ago

The mechanism for this is now in place as of #18 which created an acronyms file that works with Material for MkDocs. Terms in that list get highlighted in the website automatically, see https://certcc.github.io/CERT-Guide-to-CVD/