Content for the CERT Guide to Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
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Figure out how to regenerate a nicely formatted PDF version of the report periodically #3

Closed ahouseholder closed 2 months ago

ahouseholder commented 3 years ago

A PDF of the original 2017 report exists.

The current version is the Confluence wiki space at https://vuls.cert.org/confluence/display/CVD

We currently lack a good way to reconstruct a PDF from the wiki.

Options to consider (suggest others in comments if you have any):

  1. A stylesheet in confluence that exports the wiki space to a formatted doc (I think you can do this for individual wiki pages but I'm not sure if you can export a whole space that way)
  2. Convert content to markdown, put it in a git repo (possibly this one), and construct toolchain(s) that can (a) generate a PDF and (b) populate content back into Confluence
  3. Do 2 and 2a, but skip 2b and replace hosting it in Confluence with something that does more native markdown->webserver stuff, a la github pages or something like that
ahouseholder commented 2 months ago
  1. https://certcc.github.io/CERT-Guide-to-CVD/print_page
  2. file > print