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AMWG diags: New release of CERES EBAF TOA Edition4.0 #491

Closed cecilehannay closed 7 years ago

cecilehannay commented 7 years ago

New release of CERES EBAF TOA Edition4.0

Dear EBAF-TOA User,

The CERES team announces the release of Edition 4.0 of the Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) data product. EBAF-TOA Ed4.0 leverages off of the many algorithm improvements that have been made in the Edition 4 suite of CERES level 1-3 data products. EBAF Ed4.0 also includes a limited set of MODIS imager-based cloud parameters alongside the EBAF-TOA fluxes.

This initial release covers the period March 2000 – June 2015. Additional months (through September 2016) will become available later this month.

For users interested in EBAF surface radiative fluxes, we anticipate releasing EBAF-Surface Ed4.0 in May 2017.

For more information, please refer to the CERES EBAF Ed4.0 Data Quality Summary (https://ceres.larc.nasa.gov/documents/DQ_summaries/CERES_EBAF_Ed4.0_DQS.pdf).

CERES EBAF-TOA Ed4.0 data are available from the CERES Ordering Tool (https://ceres.larc.nasa.gov/order_data.php), which also provides subsetting and visualization capabilities.

gold2718 commented 7 years ago

@cecilehannay, can you explain why this is an issue for CIME?

bertinia commented 7 years ago

This issue was moved to NCAR/CESM_postprocessing#73