CESNET / Nemea

System for network traffic analysis and anomaly detection.
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Lacking documentation for installing the nemea-framework-devel package. #23

Closed hejcman closed 3 years ago

hejcman commented 3 years ago

I was trying to install the nemea-framework-devel package based on the installation instructions and the supplied Vagrant file (/vagrant/CentOS7/Vagrantfile) on CentOS 7. However, I always ran into the following problem:

Error: Package: nemea-framework-devel-2.1.2-2.noarch (copr:copr.fedorainfracloud.org:group_CESNET:NEMEA)
           Requires: python3-nemea-pycommon

Installing the package nemea-pycommon trough pip didn't solve the problem.

In the end I added the repository NEMEA-testing, which solved the problem. Since this repository is not added in the Vagrant file and not mentioned explicitly in the installation instructions, it might be a good idea to add it to the documentation.