CESNET / Netopeer2GUI

Web-based NETCONF management center
Apache License 2.0
25 stars 11 forks source link

Cannot `vagrant up` the OpenSUSE image #3

Closed jktjkt closed 6 years ago

jktjkt commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm on a CentOS7 VM (metacloud at cerit-sc). I've installed vagrant and its libvirt voodo, and it seems that the image build fails due to missing SSH server support in libnetconf2:

[centos@cloud64 OpenSUSE]$ VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=libvirt vagrant up                                   
Bringing machine 'Netopeer2GUI' up with 'libvirt' provider...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Creating image (snapshot of base box volume).
==> Netopeer2GUI: Creating domain with the following settings...
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Name:              OpenSUSE_Netopeer2GUI
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Domain type:       kvm
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Cpus:              1
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Memory:            512M
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Management MAC:    
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Loader:            
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Base box:          opensuse/openSUSE-42.3-x86_64
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Storage pool:      default
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Image:             /var/lib/libvirt/images/OpenSUSE_Netopeer2GUI.img (40G)
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Volume Cache:      default
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Kernel:            
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Initrd:            
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Graphics Type:     vnc
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Graphics Port:     5900
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Graphics IP:
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Graphics Password: Not defined
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Video Type:        cirrus
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Video VRAM:        9216
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Keymap:            en-us
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- INPUT:             type=mouse, bus=ps2
==> Netopeer2GUI:  -- Command line : 
==> Netopeer2GUI: Creating shared folders metadata...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Starting domain.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Waiting for domain to get an IP address...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Waiting for SSH to become available...
    Netopeer2GUI: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
    Netopeer2GUI: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
    Netopeer2GUI: Inserting generated public key within guest...
    Netopeer2GUI: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
    Netopeer2GUI: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Forwarding ports...
==> Netopeer2GUI: 4200 (guest) => 4200 (host) (adapter eth0)
==> Netopeer2GUI: 830 (guest) => 8830 (host) (adapter eth0)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Rsyncing folder: /home/centos/Netopeer2GUI/ => /home/vagrant/Netopeer2GUI
==> Netopeer2GUI: Rsyncing folder: /home/centos/Netopeer2GUI/vagrant/OpenSUSE/ => /vagrant
==> Netopeer2GUI: Running provisioner: shell...
    Netopeer2GUI: Running: inline script
==> Netopeer2GUI: Adding repository 'all the small tools for the shell (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Warning: GPG checking is disabled in configuration of repository 'all the small tools for the shell (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)'. Integrity and origin of packages cannot be verified.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Repository 'all the small tools for the shell (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' successfully added
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: URI         : http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/utilities/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/
==> Netopeer2GUI: Enabled     : Yes                                                                    
==> Netopeer2GUI: GPG Check   : No                                                                     
==> Netopeer2GUI: Autorefresh : No                                                                     
==> Netopeer2GUI: Priority    : 99 (default priority)                                                  
==> Netopeer2GUI: Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Adding repository 'Node.js (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Warning: GPG checking is disabled in configuration of repository 'Node.js (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)'. Integrity and origin of packages cannot be verified.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Repository 'Node.js (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' successfully added
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: URI         : http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/languages:/nodejs/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/
==> Netopeer2GUI: Enabled     : Yes                                                                                   
==> Netopeer2GUI: GPG Check   : No                                                                                    
==> Netopeer2GUI: Autorefresh : No                                                                                    
==> Netopeer2GUI: Priority    : 99 (default priority)                                                                 
==> Netopeer2GUI: Repository priorities are without effect. All enabled repositories share the same priority.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving repository 'Node.js (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' metadata [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Building repository 'Node.js (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' cache [..
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving repository 'openSUSE Non-OSS' metadata [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Building repository 'openSUSE Non-OSS' cache [..
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving repository 'openSUSE OSS' metadata [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Building repository 'openSUSE OSS' cache [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving repository 'openSUSE Non-OSS Update' metadata [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Building repository 'openSUSE Non-OSS Update' cache [..
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving repository 'openSUSE OSS Update' metadata [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Building repository 'openSUSE OSS Update' cache [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving repository 'all the small tools for the shell (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' metadata [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Building repository 'all the small tools for the shell (openSUSE_Leap_42.3)' cache [..
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: All repositories have been refreshed.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Loading repository data...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Reading installed packages...
==> Netopeer2GUI: The following 82 packages are going to be upgraded:
==> Netopeer2GUI:   augeas augeas-lenses bash bind-libs bind-utils binutils ca-certificates-mozilla coreutils cpp48 curl device-mapper dhcp dhcp-client dracut file file-magic gcc48 glibc glibc-devel glibc-locale grub2 grub2-i386-pc gzip hwinfo kernel-default kernel-devel kernel-macros kmod kmod-compat libasan0 libatomic1 libaugeas0 libblkid1 libcurl4 libdb-4_8 libfdisk1 libfreetype6 libgcc_s1 libgomp1 libitm1 libkmod2 libmagic1 libmount1 libncurses5 libncurses6 libopenssl1_0_0 libreadline6 libsmartcols1 libsolv-tools libstdc++6 libsystemd0 libtasn1 libtasn1-6 libtsan0 libudev1 libuuid1 libwicked-0-6 libxcb1 libxml2-2 libzypp ncurses-utils openssh openssl pam rsync shadow SuSEfirewall2 systemd systemd-sysvinit terminfo-base timezone udev util-linux util-linux-systemd wicked wicked-service yast2 yast2-country yast2-country-data yast2-ruby-bindings yast2-services-manager zypper
==> Netopeer2GUI: 82 packages to upgrade.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Overall download size: 129.9 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 6.8 MiB will be used.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): 
==> Netopeer2GUI: y
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package file-magic-5.22-13.1.x86_64 (1/82), 334.4 KiB (  4.0 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: file-magic-5.22-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package glibc-2.22-16.3.x86_64 (2/82),   1.7 MiB (  6.5 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: glibc-2.22-16.3.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package kernel-macros-4.4.120-45.1.noarch (3/82),   2.8 MiB (  6.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: kernel-macros-4.4.120-45.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package terminfo-base-5.9-62.1.x86_64 (4/82), 185.8 KiB (  1.1 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: terminfo-base-5.9-62.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libxml2-2-2.9.4-15.1.x86_64 (5/82), 576.4 KiB (  1.5 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libxml2-2-2.9.4-15.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libxcb1-1.11.1-9.1.x86_64 (6/82),  41.7 KiB (126.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libxcb1-1.11.1-9.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libuuid1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 (7/82),  70.3 KiB ( 18.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libuuid1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libudev1-228-47.1.x86_64 (8/82), 330.8 KiB (130.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libudev1-228-47.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libsystemd0-228-47.1.x86_64 (9/82), 520.0 KiB (788.4 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libsystemd0-228-47.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libsmartcols1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 (10/82), 123.8 KiB (162.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libsmartcols1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64 (11/82),   1.0 MiB (  2.9 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libmagic1-5.22-13.1.x86_64 (12/82),  70.2 KiB (118.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libmagic1-5.22-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libkmod2-17-13.1.x86_64 (13/82),  44.8 KiB ( 82.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libkmod2-17-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libitm1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 (14/82),  37.6 KiB (110.4 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libitm1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libgomp1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 (15/82), 104.7 KiB (251.7 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libgomp1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libgcc_s1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 (16/82),  48.9 KiB ( 90.4 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libgcc_s1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libfreetype6-2.6.3-5.3.1.x86_64 (17/82), 387.5 KiB (972.6 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libfreetype6-2.6.3-5.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libatomic1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 (18/82),  19.7 KiB ( 26.1 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libatomic1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package cpp48-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 (19/82),   4.9 MiB ( 13.2 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: cpp48-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (5.2 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libblkid1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 (20/82), 165.5 KiB (271.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libblkid1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libcurl4-7.37.0-33.1.x86_64 (21/82), 202.1 KiB (445.4 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libcurl4-7.37.0-33.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package bind-libs-9.9.9P1-53.1.x86_64 (22/82), 1013.5 KiB (  3.4 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: bind-libs-9.9.9P1-53.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package file-5.22-13.1.x86_64 (23/82),  50.2 KiB ( 74.7 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: file-5.22-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libtsan0-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 (24/82), 271.5 KiB (885.1 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libtsan0-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libstdc++6-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 (25/82), 372.0 KiB (  1.5 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libstdc++6-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libaugeas0-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64 (26/82), 183.5 KiB (365.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libaugeas0-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libasan0-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 (27/82),  78.9 KiB (166.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libasan0-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libmount1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 (28/82), 174.8 KiB (302.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libmount1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libfdisk1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 (29/82), 199.3 KiB (369.7 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libfdisk1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (12.1 KiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package curl-7.37.0-33.1.x86_64 (30/82), 152.5 KiB (312.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: curl-7.37.0-33.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package yast2-ruby-bindings-3.2.15-3.1.x86_64 (31/82), 130.8 KiB (436.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: yast2-ruby-bindings-3.2.15-3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libncurses6-5.9-62.1.x86_64 (32/82), 350.2 KiB (1021.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libncurses6-5.9-62.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libncurses5-5.9-62.1.x86_64 (33/82), 343.5 KiB (  1.0 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libncurses5-5.9-62.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libdb-4_8-4.8.30-34.3.1.x86_64 (34/82), 669.4 KiB (  3.1 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libdb-4_8-4.8.30-34.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package augeas-lenses-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64 (35/82), 156.5 KiB (525.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: augeas-lenses-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package yast2-country-data-3.2.14-2.3.1.x86_64 (36/82),  37.7 KiB (117.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: yast2-country-data-3.2.14-2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package ncurses-utils-5.9-62.1.x86_64 (37/82), 155.9 KiB (120.6 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: ncurses-utils-5.9-62.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libreadline6-6.3-83.3.1.x86_64 (38/82), 153.1 KiB (332.6 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libreadline6-6.3-83.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package bash-4.3-83.3.1.x86_64 (39/82), 381.3 KiB (742.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: bash-4.3-83.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (12.4 KiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package augeas-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64 (40/82),  91.1 KiB (144.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: augeas-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package pam-1.3.0-16.1.x86_64 (41/82), 408.9 KiB (  1.5 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: pam-1.3.0-16.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package openssl-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64 (42/82), 659.0 KiB (  1.5 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: openssl-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libwicked-0-6-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64 (43/82), 519.9 KiB (  1.5 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libwicked-0-6-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libtasn1-6-4.9-3.1.x86_64 (44/82),  44.8 KiB ( 74.6 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libtasn1-6-4.9-3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package kmod-17-13.1.x86_64 (45/82),  68.2 KiB (142.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: kmod-17-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package kernel-devel-4.4.120-45.1.noarch (46/82),  13.2 MiB ( 52.6 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: kernel-devel-4.4.120-45.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package hwinfo-21.50-3.1.x86_64 (47/82), 721.8 KiB (  3.0 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: hwinfo-21.50-3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package gzip-1.6-14.1.x86_64 (48/82), 113.4 KiB (232.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: gzip-1.6-14.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (12.2 KiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package glibc-devel-2.22-16.3.x86_64 (49/82), 659.9 KiB (  3.0 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: glibc-devel-2.22-16.3.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package coreutils-8.25-5.1.x86_64 (50/82),   1.2 MiB (  5.8 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: coreutils-8.25-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package ca-certificates-mozilla-2.22-12.1.noarch (51/82), 180.5 KiB (285.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: ca-certificates-mozilla-2.22-12.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package binutils-2.29.1-13.1.x86_64 (52/82),   5.1 MiB ( 33.6 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: binutils-2.29.1-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package bind-utils-9.9.9P1-53.1.x86_64 (53/82), 336.0 KiB (  1.1 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: bind-utils-9.9.9P1-53.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package shadow-4.2.1-13.1.x86_64 (54/82), 553.7 KiB (  2.9 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: shadow-4.2.1-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libtasn1-4.9-3.1.x86_64 (55/82),  57.6 KiB ( 91.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libtasn1-4.9-3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (12.4 KiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package kmod-compat-17-13.1.x86_64 (56/82),  30.1 KiB ( 15.9 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: kmod-compat-17-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package util-linux-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 (57/82), 1000.6 KiB (  3.7 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: util-linux-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package timezone-2018c-45.1.x86_64 (58/82), 361.2 KiB (  1.2 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: timezone-2018c-45.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libsolv-tools-0.6.32-6.1.x86_64 (59/82), 542.3 KiB (  4.3 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libsolv-tools-0.6.32-6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package glibc-locale-2.22-16.3.x86_64 (60/82),   6.1 MiB (117.0 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: glibc-locale-2.22-16.3.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package dhcp-4.3.3-11.6.1.x86_64 (61/82), 690.0 KiB (  1.7 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: dhcp-4.3.3-11.6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package gcc48-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 (62/82),   8.6 MiB ( 33.0 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: gcc48-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (2.5 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package yast2-3.2.43-2.3.1.x86_64 (63/82), 460.4 KiB (  2.2 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: yast2-3.2.43-2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package systemd-228-47.1.x86_64 (64/82),   3.7 MiB ( 20.6 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: systemd-228-47.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libzypp-16.17.10-21.1.x86_64 (65/82),   2.0 MiB (  7.3 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libzypp-16.17.10-21.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package dhcp-client-4.3.3-11.6.1.x86_64 (66/82), 728.4 KiB (  1.8 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: dhcp-client-4.3.3-11.6.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package yast2-services-manager-3.2.2-2.3.1.noarch (67/82),  36.9 KiB ( 85.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: yast2-services-manager-3.2.2-2.3.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package yast2-country-3.2.14-2.3.1.x86_64 (68/82),  79.9 KiB (320.1 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: yast2-country-3.2.14-2.3.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package udev-228-47.1.x86_64 (69/82),   1.3 MiB (  6.6 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: udev-228-47.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (27.4 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package zypper-1.13.40-17.2.x86_64 (70/82),   1.2 MiB (  6.7 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: zypper-1.13.40-17.2.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package util-linux-systemd-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 (71/82), 109.8 KiB (111.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: util-linux-systemd-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package systemd-sysvinit-228-47.1.x86_64 (72/82), 287.1 KiB (  5.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: systemd-sysvinit-228-47.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package rsync-3.1.0-13.1.x86_64 (73/82), 325.5 KiB (625.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: rsync-3.1.0-13.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package openssh-7.2p2-18.1.x86_64 (74/82), 986.0 KiB (  5.7 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: openssh-7.2p2-18.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package device-mapper-1.02.97-80.1.x86_64 (75/82), 524.2 KiB (  2.0 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: device-mapper-1.02.97-80.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package SuSEfirewall2-3.6.312.333-10.1.noarch (76/82),  74.3 KiB (291.1 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: SuSEfirewall2-3.6.312.333-10.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package wicked-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64 (77/82), 529.4 KiB (  1.7 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: wicked-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package dracut-044.1-29.1.x86_64 (78/82), 408.5 KiB (  1.1 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: dracut-044.1-29.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package grub2-2.02-7.1.x86_64 (79/82),   2.6 MiB ( 20.9 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: grub2-2.02-7.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package wicked-service-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64 (80/82),  58.6 KiB (  9.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: wicked-service-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package kernel-default-4.4.120-45.1.x86_64 (81/82),  52.2 MiB (238.4 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: kernel-default-4.4.120-45.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (31.0 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package grub2-i386-pc-2.02-7.1.x86_64 (82/82),   2.9 MiB ( 12.7 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: grub2-i386-pc-2.02-7.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Checking for file conflicts: [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 1/82) Installing: file-magic-5.22-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 2/82) Installing: glibc-2.22-16.3.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 3/82) Installing: kernel-macros-4.4.120-45.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 4/82) Installing: terminfo-base-5.9-62.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 5/82) Installing: libxml2-2-2.9.4-15.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 6/82) Installing: libxcb1-1.11.1-9.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 7/82) Installing: libuuid1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 8/82) Installing: libudev1-228-47.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 9/82) Installing: libsystemd0-228-47.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (10/82) Installing: libsmartcols1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (11/82) Installing: libopenssl1_0_0-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .....
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (12/82) Installing: libmagic1-5.22-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (13/82) Installing: libkmod2-17-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ....
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (14/82) Installing: libitm1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (15/82) Installing: libgomp1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (16/82) Installing: libgcc_s1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (17/82) Installing: libfreetype6-2.6.3-5.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (18/82) Installing: libatomic1-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (19/82) Installing: cpp48-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (20/82) Installing: libblkid1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (21/82) Installing: libcurl4-7.37.0-33.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (22/82) Installing: bind-libs-9.9.9P1-53.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (23/82) Installing: file-5.22-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (24/82) Installing: libtsan0-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (25/82) Installing: libstdc++6-7.3.1+r258313-6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (26/82) Installing: libaugeas0-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ....
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (27/82) Installing: libasan0-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (28/82) Installing: libmount1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (29/82) Installing: libfdisk1-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (30/82) Installing: curl-7.37.0-33.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (31/82) Installing: yast2-ruby-bindings-3.2.15-3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (32/82) Installing: libncurses6-5.9-62.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (33/82) Installing: libncurses5-5.9-62.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (34/82) Installing: libdb-4_8-4.8.30-34.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (35/82) Installing: augeas-lenses-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (36/82) Installing: yast2-country-data-3.2.14-2.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (37/82) Installing: ncurses-utils-5.9-62.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (38/82) Installing: libreadline6-6.3-83.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ....
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (39/82) Installing: bash-4.3-83.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (40/82) Installing: augeas-1.2.0-13.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: file /usr/share/doc/packages/augeas/COPYING: remove failed: No such file or directory
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: (41/82) Installing: pam-1.3.0-16.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (42/82) Installing: openssl-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (43/82) Installing: libwicked-0-6-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (44/82) Installing: libtasn1-6-4.9-3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (45/82) Installing: kmod-17-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (46/82) Installing: kernel-devel-4.4.120-45.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (47/82) Installing: hwinfo-21.50-3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (48/82) Installing: gzip-1.6-14.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (49/82) Installing: glibc-devel-2.22-16.3.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (50/82) Installing: coreutils-8.25-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (51/82) Installing: ca-certificates-mozilla-2.22-12.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .....
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (52/82) Installing: binutils-2.29.1-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .........
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (53/82) Installing: bind-utils-9.9.9P1-53.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (54/82) Installing: shadow-4.2.1-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (55/82) Installing: libtasn1-4.9-3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (56/82) Installing: kmod-compat-17-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (57/82) Installing: util-linux-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .........
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: setting /usr/bin/wall to root:tty 2755. (wrong permissions 0755)
==> Netopeer2GUI: setting /usr/bin/write to root:tty 2755. (wrong permissions 0755)
==> Netopeer2GUI: (58/82) Installing: timezone-2018c-45.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .....
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ...
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (59/82) Installing: libsolv-tools-0.6.32-6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (60/82) Installing: glibc-locale-2.22-16.3.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (61/82) Installing: dhcp-4.3.3-11.6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (62/82) Installing: gcc48-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (63/82) Installing: yast2-3.2.43-2.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: Updating /etc/sysconfig/yast2...
==> Netopeer2GUI: (64/82) Installing: systemd-228-47.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ......
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ....
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: file /usr/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mount: remove failed: No such file or directory
==> Netopeer2GUI: (65/82) Installing: libzypp-16.17.10-21.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /etc/zypp/zypp.conf created as /etc/zypp/zypp.conf.rpmnew
==> Netopeer2GUI: (66/82) Installing: dhcp-client-4.3.3-11.6.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (67/82) Installing: yast2-services-manager-3.2.2-2.3.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (68/82) Installing: yast2-country-3.2.14-2.3.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (69/82) Installing: udev-228-47.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (70/82) Installing: zypper-1.13.40-17.2.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (71/82) Installing: util-linux-systemd-2.29.2-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .......
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (72/82) Installing: systemd-sysvinit-228-47.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (73/82) Installing: rsync-3.1.0-13.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (74/82) Installing: openssh-7.2p2-18.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /etc/ssh/sshd_config created as /etc/ssh/sshd_config.rpmnew
==> Netopeer2GUI: Updating /etc/sysconfig/ssh...
==> Netopeer2GUI: (75/82) Installing: device-mapper-1.02.97-80.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (76/82) Installing: SuSEfirewall2-3.6.312.333-10.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (77/82) Installing: wicked-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: Updating /etc/sysconfig/network/config...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Updating /etc/sysconfig/network/dhcp...
==> Netopeer2GUI: (78/82) Installing: dracut-044.1-29.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ........
==> Netopeer2GUI: ...
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (79/82) Installing: grub2-2.02-7.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ..........
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (80/82) Installing: wicked-service-0.6.40-9.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: ...
==> Netopeer2GUI: ........done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (81/82) Installing: kernel-default-4.4.120-45.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: Creating initrd: /boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --logfile /var/log/YaST2/mkinitrd.log --force /boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default 4.4.120-45-default
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'modsign' will not be installed, because command 'keyctl' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'crypt' will not be installed, because command 'cryptsetup' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'lvm' will not be installed, because command 'lvm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsiadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'rpc.statd' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs4' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'modsign' will not be installed, because command 'keyctl' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'crypt' will not be installed, because command 'cryptsetup' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'lvm' will not be installed, because command 'lvm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsiadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'rpc.statd' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs4' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: bash ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: systemd ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: warpclock ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: systemd-initrd ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: i18n ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Could not find FONT_MAP none!
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: btrfs ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: kernel-modules ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: qemu ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: resume ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: rootfs-block ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: suse-btrfs ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut-install: ERROR: installing '/usr/share/doc/packages/btrfsprogs/dracut-fsck-help.txt' to '/usr/share/fsck/fsck_help_btrfs.txt'
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: /usr/lib/dracut/dracut-install -D /var/tmp/dracut.TZbw9O/initramfs /usr/share/doc/packages/btrfsprogs/dracut-fsck-help.txt /usr/share/fsck/fsck_help_btrfs.txt
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: terminfo ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: udev-rules ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Skipping udev rule: 40-redhat.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Skipping udev rule: 50-firmware.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Skipping udev rule: 50-udev.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Skipping udev rule: 91-permissions.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Skipping udev rule: 80-drivers-modprobe.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: dracut-systemd ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: usrmount ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: base ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: fs-lib ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: shutdown ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including module: suse ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Including modules done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Resolving executable dependencies ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Resolving executable dependencies done***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Hardlinking files ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Hardlinking files done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Stripping files ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Stripping files done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Generating early-microcode cpio image ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Store current command line parameters ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: Stored kernel commandline:
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut:  resume=UUID=1d26c2d1-53e5-42b0-b117-bc8531c6de6b
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut:  root=UUID=697a33bb-6773-4c1d-abd5-730076b12933 rootfstype=btrfs rootflags=rw,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=259,subvol=/@/.snapshots/1/snapshot,subvol=@/.snapshots/1/snapshot
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Creating image file '/boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default' ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: dracut: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default' done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: (82/82) Installing: grub2-i386-pc-2.02-7.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .......
==> Netopeer2GUI: ....
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Output of coreutils-8.25-5.1.x86_64.rpm %posttrans script:
==> Netopeer2GUI:     Creating initrd: /boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Executing: /usr/bin/dracut --logfile /var/log/YaST2/mkinitrd.log --force /boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default 4.4.120-45-default
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'modsign' will not be installed, because command 'keyctl' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'crypt' will not be installed, because command 'cryptsetup' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'lvm' will not be installed, because command 'lvm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsiadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'rpc.statd' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs4' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'modsign' will not be installed, because command 'keyctl' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'crypt' will not be installed, because command 'cryptsetup' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'lvm' will not be installed, because command 'lvm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsiadm' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsid' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'rpc.statd' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: dracut module 'nfs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.nfs4' could not be found!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: bash ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: systemd ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: warpclock ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: systemd-initrd ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: i18n ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Could not find FONT_MAP none!
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: btrfs ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: kernel-modules ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ene-ub6250/ms_rdwr.bin" for kernel module "ums-eneub6250.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ene-ub6250/msp_rdwr.bin" for kernel module "ums-eneub6250.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ene-ub6250/ms_init.bin" for kernel module "ums-eneub6250.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ene-ub6250/sd_rdwr.bin" for kernel module "ums-eneub6250.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ene-ub6250/sd_init2.bin" for kernel module "ums-eneub6250.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ene-ub6250/sd_init1.bin" for kernel module "ums-eneub6250.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "sd8688.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "sd8688_helper.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8688.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8688_helper.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "sd8686.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "sd8686_helper.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8686_v8.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8686_v8_helper.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8686_v9.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8686_v9_helper.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "sd8385.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "sd8385_helper.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8385.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "libertas/sd8385_helper.bin" for kernel module "libertas_sdio.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "qed/qed_init_values_zipped-" for kernel module "qed.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ql2500_fw.bin" for kernel module "qla2xxx.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ql2400_fw.bin" for kernel module "qla2xxx.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ql2322_fw.bin" for kernel module "qla2xxx.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ql2300_fw.bin" for kernel module "qla2xxx.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ql2200_fw.bin" for kernel module "qla2xxx.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ql2100_fw.bin" for kernel module "qla2xxx.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "aic94xx-seq.fw" for kernel module "aic94xx.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "isci/isci_firmware.bin" for kernel module "isci.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ct2fw-" for kernel module "bfa.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "ctfw-" for kernel module "bfa.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "cbfw-" for kernel module "bfa.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "cxgb4/t6fw.bin" for kernel module "csiostor.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "cxgb4/t5fw.bin" for kernel module "csiostor.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "wd719x-risc.bin" for kernel module "wd719x.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Possible missing firmware "wd719x-wcs.bin" for kernel module "wd719x.ko"
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: qemu ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: resume ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: rootfs-block ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: suse-btrfs ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut-install: ERROR: installing '/usr/share/doc/packages/btrfsprogs/dracut-fsck-help.txt' to '/usr/share/fsck/fsck_help_btrfs.txt'
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: /usr/lib/dracut/dracut-install -D /var/tmp/dracut.AoDQsd/initramfs /usr/share/doc/packages/btrfsprogs/dracut-fsck-help.txt /usr/share/fsck/fsck_help_btrfs.txt
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: terminfo ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: udev-rules ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Skipping udev rule: 40-redhat.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Skipping udev rule: 50-firmware.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Skipping udev rule: 50-udev.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Skipping udev rule: 91-permissions.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Skipping udev rule: 80-drivers-modprobe.rules
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: dracut-systemd ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: usrmount ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: base ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: fs-lib ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: shutdown ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including module: suse ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Including modules done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Resolving executable dependencies ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Resolving executable dependencies done***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Hardlinking files ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Hardlinking files done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Stripping files ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Stripping files done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Generating early-microcode cpio image ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Store current command line parameters ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: Stored kernel commandline:
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut:  resume=UUID=1d26c2d1-53e5-42b0-b117-bc8531c6de6b
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut:  root=UUID=697a33bb-6773-4c1d-abd5-730076b12933 rootfstype=btrfs rootflags=rw,relatime,space_cache,subvolid=259,subvol=/@/.snapshots/1/snapshot,subvol=@/.snapshots/1/snapshot
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Creating image file '/boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default' ***
==> Netopeer2GUI:     dracut: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initrd-4.4.120-45-default' done ***
==> Netopeer2GUI: Loading repository data...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Reading installed packages...
==> Netopeer2GUI: 'git' is already installed.
==> Netopeer2GUI: No update candidate for 'git-2.13.6-7.1.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Resolving package dependencies...
==> Netopeer2GUI: The following 5 NEW packages are going to be installed:
==> Netopeer2GUI:   cmake libarchive13 libclang libLLVM llvm-clang
==> Netopeer2GUI: 5 new packages to install.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Overall download size: 22.8 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 127.0 MiB will be used.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): 
==> Netopeer2GUI: y
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libLLVM-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64 (1/5),   9.0 MiB ( 41.1 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libLLVM-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libarchive13-3.1.2-19.3.x86_64 (2/5), 276.5 KiB (697.4 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libarchive13-3.1.2-19.3.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libclang-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64 (3/5),   6.4 MiB ( 28.9 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libclang-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package cmake-3.5.2-3.3.x86_64 (4/5),   4.1 MiB ( 22.3 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: cmake-3.5.2-3.3.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package llvm-clang-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64 (5/5),   2.9 MiB ( 33.9 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: llvm-clang-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (14.4 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Checking for file conflicts: [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (1/5) Installing: libLLVM-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (2/5) Installing: libarchive13-3.1.2-19.3.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (3/5) Installing: libclang-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (4/5) Installing: cmake-3.5.2-3.3.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (5/5) Installing: llvm-clang-3.8.0-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Loading repository data...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Reading installed packages...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Resolving package dependencies...
==> Netopeer2GUI: The following 10 NEW packages are going to be installed:
==> Netopeer2GUI:   libpcre16-0 libpcrecpp0 libpcreposix0 libpython3_4m1_0 libstdc++48-devel libstdc++-devel pcre-devel python3-base python3-devel swig
==> Netopeer2GUI: 10 new packages to install.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Overall download size: 10.0 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 55.2 MiB will be used.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): 
==> Netopeer2GUI: y
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libpython3_4m1_0-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 (1/10), 778.4 KiB (  2.3 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libpython3_4m1_0-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package swig-3.0.10-3.12.x86_64 (2/10),   1.2 MiB (  5.3 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: swig-3.0.10-3.12.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-base-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 (3/10),   4.7 MiB ( 22.9 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-base-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-devel-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 (4/10), 135.7 KiB (495.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-devel-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libpcre16-0-8.39-11.1.x86_64 (5/10), 147.2 KiB (406.3 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libpcre16-0-8.39-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libpcrecpp0-8.39-11.1.x86_64 (6/10),  24.0 KiB ( 34.6 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libpcrecpp0-8.39-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libpcreposix0-8.39-11.1.x86_64 (7/10),  15.7 KiB ( 10.2 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libpcreposix0-8.39-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libstdc++48-devel-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 (8/10),   2.8 MiB ( 23.5 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libstdc++48-devel-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (35.6 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libstdc++-devel-4.8-11.16.x86_64 (9/10),   4.8 KiB (   72   B unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libstdc++-devel-4.8-11.16.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package pcre-devel-8.39-11.1.x86_64 (10/10), 224.5 KiB (263.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: pcre-devel-8.39-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Checking for file conflicts: [..
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 1/10) Installing: libpython3_4m1_0-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 2/10) Installing: swig-3.0.10-3.12.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 3/10) Installing: python3-base-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 4/10) Installing: python3-devel-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 5/10) Installing: libpcre16-0-8.39-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 6/10) Installing: libpcrecpp0-8.39-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 7/10) Installing: libpcreposix0-8.39-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 8/10) Installing: libstdc++48-devel-4.8.5-32.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 9/10) Installing: libstdc++-devel-4.8-11.16.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (10/10) Installing: pcre-devel-8.39-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Loading repository data...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Reading installed packages...
==> Netopeer2GUI: 'openssl' is already installed.
==> Netopeer2GUI: No update candidate for 'openssl-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Resolving package dependencies...
==> Netopeer2GUI: The following 4 NEW packages are going to be installed:
==> Netopeer2GUI:   libopenssl-devel libssh4 libssh-devel zlib-devel
==> Netopeer2GUI: 4 new packages to install.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Overall download size: 601.7 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 2.6 MiB will be used.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): 
==> Netopeer2GUI: y
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package zlib-devel-1.2.8-13.15.x86_64 (1/4), 106.6 KiB (374.1 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: zlib-devel-1.2.8-13.15.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libssh4-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64 (2/4), 176.4 KiB (481.7 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libssh4-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libssh-devel-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64 (3/4),  42.9 KiB (126.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libssh-devel-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libopenssl-devel-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64 (4/4), 275.8 KiB (  1.7 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libopenssl-devel-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Checking for file conflicts: [..
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (1/4) Installing: zlib-devel-1.2.8-13.15.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (2/4) Installing: libssh4-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/utilities/x86_64/libssh4-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 9056621d: NOKEY
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: (3/4) Installing: libssh-devel-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/utilities/x86_64/libssh-devel-0.7.5-31.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 9056621d: NOKEY
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: (4/4) Installing: libopenssl-devel-1.0.2j-16.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Loading repository data...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Reading installed packages...
==> Netopeer2GUI: 'libffi-devel' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Resolving package dependencies...
==> Netopeer2GUI: The following 15 NEW packages are going to be installed:
==> Netopeer2GUI:   libffi-devel-gcc5 libsqlite3-0 nodejs8 nodejs8-devel nodejs-common npm8 python3 python3-click python3-Flask python3-itsdangerous python3-Jinja2 python3-MarkupSafe python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-Werkzeug
==> Netopeer2GUI: 15 new packages to install.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Overall download size: 14.9 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 55.1 MiB will be used.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): 
==> Netopeer2GUI: y
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package nodejs-common-2.0-7.1.noarch (1/15),   3.2 KiB (  230   B unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: nodejs-common-2.0-7.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-Werkzeug-0.11.10-3.1.noarch (2/15), 413.9 KiB (  1.6 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-Werkzeug-0.11.10-3.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-click-6.6-3.1.noarch (3/15), 117.5 KiB (460.7 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-click-6.6-3.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-itsdangerous-0.24-3.1.noarch (4/15),  21.0 KiB ( 66.1 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-itsdangerous-0.24-3.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libffi-devel-gcc5-5.3.1+r233831-10.1.x86_64 (5/15),  74.7 KiB (240.6 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libffi-devel-gcc5-5.3.1+r233831-10.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libsqlite3-0- (6/15), 408.9 KiB (794.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libsqlite3-0- [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-MarkupSafe-0.23-8.1.x86_64 (7/15),  27.9 KiB ( 76.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-MarkupSafe-0.23-8.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 (8/15),   1.8 MiB (  2.9 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (25.4 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-Jinja2-2.8-7.2.noarch (9/15), 232.6 KiB (  1.4 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-Jinja2-2.8-7.2.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-setuptools-18.3.2-4.4.noarch (10/15), 293.3 KiB (1010.4 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-setuptools-18.3.2-4.4.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-Flask-0.11.1-3.1.noarch (11/15), 128.3 KiB (501.7 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-Flask-0.11.1-3.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package python3-pip-7.1.2-7.1.noarch (12/15),   1.1 MiB (  5.2 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: python3-pip-7.1.2-7.1.noarch.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package nodejs8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64 (13/15),   6.9 MiB ( 25.8 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: nodejs8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done (14.6 MiB/s)]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package nodejs8-devel-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64 (14/15), 196.1 KiB (727.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: nodejs8-devel-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package npm8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64 (15/15),   3.2 MiB ( 14.3 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: npm8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Checking for file conflicts: [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 1/15) Installing: nodejs-common-2.0-7.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/devel_languages_nodejs/noarch/nodejs-common-2.0-7.1.noarch.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 270e2386: NOKEY
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 2/15) Installing: python3-Werkzeug-0.11.10-3.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 3/15) Installing: python3-click-6.6-3.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 4/15) Installing: python3-itsdangerous-0.24-3.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 5/15) Installing: libffi-devel-gcc5-5.3.1+r233831-10.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 6/15) Installing: libsqlite3-0- [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 7/15) Installing: python3-MarkupSafe-0.23-8.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 8/15) Installing: python3-3.4.6-11.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: ( 9/15) Installing: python3-Jinja2-2.8-7.2.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (10/15) Installing: python3-setuptools-18.3.2-4.4.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/easy_install-3.4 to provide /usr/bin/easy_install (easy_install) in auto mode
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: (11/15) Installing: python3-Flask-0.11.1-3.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (12/15) Installing: python3-pip-7.1.2-7.1.noarch [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/pip3.4 to provide /usr/bin/pip (pip) in auto mode
==> Netopeer2GUI: (13/15) Installing: nodejs8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/devel_languages_nodejs/x86_64/nodejs8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 270e2386: NOKEY
==> Netopeer2GUI: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/node8 to provide /usr/bin/node-default (node-default) in auto mode
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: (14/15) Installing: nodejs8-devel-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/devel_languages_nodejs/x86_64/nodejs8-devel-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 270e2386: NOKEY
==> Netopeer2GUI: (15/15) Installing: npm8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Additional rpm output:
==> Netopeer2GUI: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/devel_languages_nodejs/x86_64/npm8-8.10.0-64.1.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 270e2386: NOKEY
==> Netopeer2GUI: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/npm8 to provide /usr/bin/npm-default (npm-default) in auto mode
==> Netopeer2GUI: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/npx8 to provide /usr/bin/npx-default (npx-default) in auto mode
==> Netopeer2GUI: Loading repository data...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Reading installed packages...
==> Netopeer2GUI: Resolving package dependencies...
==> Netopeer2GUI: The following 7 NEW packages are going to be installed:
==> Netopeer2GUI:   libev4 libev-devel libprotobuf9 libprotobuf-c1 libprotobuf-c-devel libprotoc9 protobuf-c
==> Netopeer2GUI: 7 new packages to install.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Overall download size: 968.5 KiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation, additional 3.0 MiB will be used.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): 
==> Netopeer2GUI: y
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libev4-4.22-3.3.x86_64 (1/7),  36.5 KiB ( 54.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libev4-4.22-3.3.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libprotobuf-c1-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64 (2/7),  21.5 KiB ( 35.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libprotobuf-c1-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libprotobuf9-2.6.1-7.6.x86_64 (3/7), 341.9 KiB (  1.2 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libprotobuf9-2.6.1-7.6.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libev-devel-4.22-3.3.x86_64 (4/7), 176.3 KiB (378.0 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libev-devel-4.22-3.3.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libprotobuf-c-devel-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64 (5/7),  14.6 KiB ( 32.5 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libprotobuf-c-devel-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package libprotoc9-2.6.1-7.6.x86_64 (6/7), 296.3 KiB (  1.1 MiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: libprotoc9-2.6.1-7.6.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving package protobuf-c-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64 (7/7),  81.4 KiB (262.8 KiB unpacked)
==> Netopeer2GUI: Retrieving: protobuf-c-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64.rpm [
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Checking for file conflicts: [...
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (1/7) Installing: libev4-4.22-3.3.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (2/7) Installing: libprotobuf-c1-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (3/7) Installing: libprotobuf9-2.6.1-7.6.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (4/7) Installing: libev-devel-4.22-3.3.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (5/7) Installing: libprotobuf-c-devel-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (6/7) Installing: libprotoc9-2.6.1-7.6.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: (7/7) Installing: protobuf-c-1.1.1-5.1.x86_64 [.
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: .
==> Netopeer2GUI: done]
==> Netopeer2GUI: Running provisioner: shell...
    Netopeer2GUI: Running: inline script
==> Netopeer2GUI: Cloning into 'libyang'...
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:56 (message):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   GCC version must be at least 4.9!
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/libyang/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: Running provisioner: shell...
    Netopeer2GUI: Running: inline script
==> Netopeer2GUI: Cloning into 'libnetconf2'...
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:96 (message):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Missing tools (devscripts, debhelper package) for building deb package.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI:   You won't be able to generate deb package from source code.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Compiling libnetconf2 should still works fine.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:107 (message):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Missing tools (rpm package) for building rpm package.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI:   You won't be able to generate rpm package from source code.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Compiling libnetconf2 should still works fine.
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread.h
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread.h - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create - not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found Threads: TRUE  
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_spin_lock
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_spin_lock - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_mutex_timedlock
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_mutex_timedlock - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found OpenSSL: /usr/lib64/libssl.so;/usr/lib64/libcrypto.so (found version "1.0.2j") 
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found LibSSH: /usr/lib64/lib (Required is at least version "0.7.0") 
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing:  DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.28") 
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Could NOT find CMocka (missing:  CMOCKA_LIBRARIES CMOCKA_INCLUDE_DIR) (Required is at least version "1.0.0")
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2/python
==> Netopeer2GUI:     linked by target "netconf2" in directory /home/vagrant/libnetconf2
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/libnetconf2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/libnetconf2/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: Running provisioner: shell...
    Netopeer2GUI: Running: inline script
==> Netopeer2GUI: Cloning into 'libredblack'...
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for a BSD-compatible install... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: /usr/bin/install -c
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether build environment is sane... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for gawk... gawk
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for gcc... gcc
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for C compiler default output... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: a.out
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether the C compiler works... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether we are cross compiling... no
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for suffix of executables... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for suffix of object files... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: o
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether gcc accepts -g... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: none needed
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for style of include used by make... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: GNU
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking dependency style of gcc... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc3
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for python... /usr/bin/python
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking build system type... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking host system type... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for ld used by GCC... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: /usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking if the linker (/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld) is GNU ld... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for /usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for BSD-compatible nm... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: /usr/bin/nm -B
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for a sed that does not truncate output... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: /usr/bin/sed
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether ln -s works... yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking how to recognise dependent libraries... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: pass_all
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: ok
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking how to run the C preprocessor... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -E
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for egrep... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: grep -E
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for ANSI C header files... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for sys/types.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for sys/stat.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for stdlib.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for string.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for memory.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for strings.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for inttypes.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for stdint.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for unistd.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking dlfcn.h usability... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking dlfcn.h presence... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for dlfcn.h... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for ranlib... ranlib
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for strip... strip
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for objdir... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: .libs
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking if gcc PIC flag -fPIC works... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking if gcc static flag -static works... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: no
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking if gcc supports -c -o file.o... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking if gcc supports -c -o file.lo... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking if gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether the linker (/usr/x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether stripping libraries is possible... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking dynamic linker characteristics... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: GNU/Linux ld.so
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether to build shared libraries... yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether to build static libraries... yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: no
==> Netopeer2GUI: creating libtool
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: checking for strdup... 
==> Netopeer2GUI: yes
==> Netopeer2GUI: configure: creating ./config.status
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: creating Makefile
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: creating libredblack.spec
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: creating rbgen
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: creating config.h
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: executing depfiles commands
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: executing default commands
==> Netopeer2GUI: cd . && \
==> Netopeer2GUI:   /bin/sh /home/vagrant/libredblack/missing --run automake-1.6 --gnu  Makefile
==> Netopeer2GUI: /home/vagrant/libredblack/missing: line 46: automake-1.6: command not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: WARNING: `automake-1.6' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if
==> Netopeer2GUI:          you modified `Makefile.am', `acinclude.m4' or `configure.in'.
==> Netopeer2GUI:          You might want to install the `Automake' and `Perl' packages.
==> Netopeer2GUI:          Grab them from any GNU archive site.
==> Netopeer2GUI: cd . && /bin/sh ./config.status Makefile depfiles
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: creating Makefile
==> Netopeer2GUI: config.status: executing depfiles commands
==> Netopeer2GUI: make  all-am
==> Netopeer2GUI: make[1]: Entering directory '/home/vagrant/libredblack'
==> Netopeer2GUI: source='redblack.c' object='redblack.lo' libtool=yes \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depfile='.deps/redblack.Plo' tmpdepfile='.deps/redblack.TPlo' \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ./depcomp \
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=compile gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -Wall -c -o redblack.lo `test -f 'redblack.c' || echo './'`redblack.c
==> Netopeer2GUI: mkdir .libs
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -Wall -c redblack.c -MT redblack.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/redblack.TPlo  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/redblack.lo
==> Netopeer2GUI: redblack.c: In function 'rbinit':
==> Netopeer2GUI: redblack.c:143:7: warning: variable 'c' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
==> Netopeer2GUI:   char c;
==> Netopeer2GUI:        ^
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I. -Wall -c redblack.c -MT redblack.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/redblack.TPlo -o redblack.o >/dev/null 2>&1
==> Netopeer2GUI: mv -f .libs/redblack.lo redblack.lo
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -Wall   -o libredblack.la -rpath /usr/local/lib -version-info 2:3:2 redblack.lo  
==> Netopeer2GUI: rm -fr .libs/libredblack.la .libs/libredblack.* .libs/libredblack.*
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -shared  redblack.lo   -Wl,-soname -Wl,libredblack.so.0 -o .libs/libredblack.so.0.2.3
==> Netopeer2GUI: (cd .libs && rm -f libredblack.so.0 && ln -s libredblack.so.0.2.3 libredblack.so.0)
==> Netopeer2GUI: (cd .libs && rm -f libredblack.so && ln -s libredblack.so.0.2.3 libredblack.so)
==> Netopeer2GUI: ar cru .libs/libredblack.a  redblack.o 
==> Netopeer2GUI: ranlib .libs/libredblack.a
==> Netopeer2GUI: creating libredblack.la
==> Netopeer2GUI: (cd .libs && rm -f libredblack.la && ln -s ../libredblack.la libredblack.la)
==> Netopeer2GUI: source='example.c' object='example.o' libtool=no \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depfile='.deps/example.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/example.TPo' \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ./depcomp \
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -Wall -c `test -f 'example.c' || echo './'`example.c
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -Wall   -o example  example.o libredblack.la 
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -Wall -o .libs/example example.o  ./.libs/libredblack.so -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
==> Netopeer2GUI: creating example
==> Netopeer2GUI: source='example1.c' object='example1.o' libtool=no \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depfile='.deps/example1.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/example1.TPo' \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ./depcomp \
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -Wall -c `test -f 'example1.c' || echo './'`example1.c
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -Wall   -o example1  example1.o libredblack.la 
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -Wall -o .libs/example1 example1.o  ./.libs/libredblack.so -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
==> Netopeer2GUI: creating example1
==> Netopeer2GUI: source='example2.c' object='example2.o' libtool=no \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depfile='.deps/example2.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/example2.TPo' \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ./depcomp \
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -Wall -c `test -f 'example2.c' || echo './'`example2.c
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -Wall   -o example2  example2.o libredblack.la 
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -Wall -o .libs/example2 example2.o  ./.libs/libredblack.so -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
==> Netopeer2GUI: creating example2
==> Netopeer2GUI: source='example3.c' object='example3.o' libtool=no \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depfile='.deps/example3.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/example3.TPo' \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ./depcomp \
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -Wall -c `test -f 'example3.c' || echo './'`example3.c
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -Wall   -o example3  example3.o libredblack.la 
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -Wall -o .libs/example3 example3.o  ./.libs/libredblack.so -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
==> Netopeer2GUI: creating example3
==> Netopeer2GUI: echo 'int main() { return(0); }' > example4.c
==> Netopeer2GUI: ./rbgen example4.rb
==> Netopeer2GUI: source='example4.c' object='example4.o' libtool=no \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depfile='.deps/example4.Po' tmpdepfile='.deps/example4.TPo' \
==> Netopeer2GUI: depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ./depcomp \
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.     -Wall -c `test -f 'example4.c' || echo './'`example4.c
==> Netopeer2GUI: example4.c: In function ‘exinit’:
==> Netopeer2GUI: example4.c:331:7: warning: variable ‘c’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
==> Netopeer2GUI:  
==> Netopeer2GUI:        ^
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=link gcc  -Wall   -o example4  example4.o  
==> Netopeer2GUI: gcc -Wall -o example4 example4.o 
==> Netopeer2GUI: make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/libredblack'
==> Netopeer2GUI: make[1]: Entering directory '/home/vagrant/libredblack'
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/bin
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c rbgen /usr/local/bin/rbgen
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/lib
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /bin/sh ./libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c  libredblack.la /usr/local/lib/libredblack.la
==> Netopeer2GUI: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libredblack.so.0.2.3 /usr/local/lib/libredblack.so.0.2.3
==> Netopeer2GUI: (cd /usr/local/lib && rm -f libredblack.so.0 && ln -s libredblack.so.0.2.3 libredblack.so.0)
==> Netopeer2GUI: (cd /usr/local/lib && rm -f libredblack.so && ln -s libredblack.so.0.2.3 libredblack.so)
==> Netopeer2GUI: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libredblack.lai /usr/local/lib/libredblack.la
==> Netopeer2GUI: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libredblack.a /usr/local/lib/libredblack.a
==> Netopeer2GUI: ranlib /usr/local/lib/libredblack.a
==> Netopeer2GUI: chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/libredblack.a
==> Netopeer2GUI: PATH="$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n /usr/local/lib
==> Netopeer2GUI: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
==> Netopeer2GUI: Libraries have been installed in:
==> Netopeer2GUI:    /usr/local/lib
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries
==> Netopeer2GUI: in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and
==> Netopeer2GUI: specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR'
==> Netopeer2GUI: flag during linking and do at least one of the following:
==> Netopeer2GUI:    - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable
==> Netopeer2GUI:      during execution
==> Netopeer2GUI:    - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable
==> Netopeer2GUI:      during linking
==> Netopeer2GUI:    - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag
==> Netopeer2GUI:    - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/ld.so.conf'
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for
==> Netopeer2GUI: more information, such as the ld(1) and ld.so(8) manual pages.
==> Netopeer2GUI: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/include
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 redblack.h /usr/local/include/redblack.h
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/man/man1
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbgen.1 /usr/local/man/man1/rbgen.1
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/man/man3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbdelete.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbdelete.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbdestroy.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbdestroy.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbfind.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbfind.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbinit.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbinit.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbsearch.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbsearch.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rblookup.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rblookup.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbwalk.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbwalk.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbopenlist.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbopenlist.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbreadlist.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbreadlist.3
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./rbcloselist.3 /usr/local/man/man3/rbcloselist.3
==> Netopeer2GUI: /bin/sh ./mkinstalldirs /usr/local/share/libredblack
==> Netopeer2GUI: mkdir -p -- /usr/local/share/libredblack
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 redblack.c /usr/local/share/libredblack/redblack.c
==> Netopeer2GUI:  /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 redblack.h /usr/local/share/libredblack/redblack.h
==> Netopeer2GUI: make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/vagrant/libredblack'
==> Netopeer2GUI: Running provisioner: shell...
    Netopeer2GUI: Running: inline script
==> Netopeer2GUI: Cloning into 'sysrepo'...
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 3.8.0
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/clang++
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/clang++ -- works
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting CXX compile features
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Preparing developer's build of sysrepo v. 0.7.3
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- sysrepo repository location: /home/vagrant/sysrepo/build/repository
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found ev: /usr/lib64/libev.so  
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Could NOT find yang (missing:  YANG_LIBRARY YANG_INCLUDE_DIR) 
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found protobuf-c: /usr/lib64/libprotobuf-c.so  
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Could NOT find avl (missing:  AVL_LIBRARY AVL_INCLUDE_DIR) 
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found redblack: /usr/local/lib/libredblack.so  
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- libredblack will be used for binary tree manipulations.
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for getpeereid
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for getpeereid - not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for getpeerucred
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for getpeerucred - not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for include file ucred.h
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for include file ucred.h - not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_mutex_timedlock
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_mutex_timedlock - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for setfsuid
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for setfsuid - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for fsetxattr
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for fsetxattr - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for mkstemps
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for mkstemps - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Performing Test HAVE_STAT_ST_MTIM
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Performing Test HAVE_STAT_ST_MTIM - Success
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Example code and YANG models will be built and installed.
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:229 (find_package):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   By not providing "FindCMOCKA.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
==> Netopeer2GUI:   asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "CMOCKA", but
==> Netopeer2GUI:   CMake did not find one.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Could not find a package configuration file provided by "CMOCKA" with any
==> Netopeer2GUI:   of the following names:
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI:     CMOCKAConfig.cmake
==> Netopeer2GUI:     cmocka-config.cmake
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Add the installation prefix of "CMOCKA" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
==> Netopeer2GUI:   "CMOCKA_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If "CMOCKA"
==> Netopeer2GUI:   provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been
==> Netopeer2GUI:   installed.
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:235 (MESSAGE):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   CMocka not found, tests are disabled.
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing:  DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/examples/plugins
==> Netopeer2GUI:     linked by target "sysrepo" in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:     linked by target "sysrepo_a" in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:     linked by target "sysrepoctl" in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI:     linked by target "sysrepocfg" in directory /home/vagrant/sysrepo/src
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/sysrepo/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/sysrepo/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: Running provisioner: shell...
    Netopeer2GUI: Running: inline script
==> Netopeer2GUI: Cloning into 'Netopeer2'...
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.28") 
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- pkg-config check successful, netopeer2-server configuration should work after installation
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Could NOT find sysrepo (missing:  SYSREPO_LIBRARY SYSREPO_INCLUDE_DIR) 
==> Netopeer2GUI: Package libsysrepo was not found in the pkg-config search path.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libsysrepo.pc'
==> Netopeer2GUI: to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
==> Netopeer2GUI: No package 'libsysrepo' found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:75 (string):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   string sub-command STRIP requires two arguments.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:79 (message):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Cannot get sysrepo plugins directory due to missing pkg-config, set
==> Netopeer2GUI:   SR_PLUGINS_DIR manually.
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI:     linked by target "keystored" in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/keystored
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.5
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Detecting C compile features - done
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "0.28") 
==> Netopeer2GUI: Package keystored was not found in the pkg-config search path.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Perhaps you should add the directory containing `keystored.pc'
==> Netopeer2GUI: to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
==> Netopeer2GUI: No package 'keystored' found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Failed to learn keystored keys directory, rerun cmake and set KEYSTORED_KEYS_DIR manually or the server configuration will not work.
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Server configuration off, default SSH host key will be used.
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Default host key set to "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key".
==> Netopeer2GUI: Package libnetconf2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libnetconf2.pc'
==> Netopeer2GUI: to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
==> Netopeer2GUI: No package 'libnetconf2' found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Unable to learn libnetconf2 thread support, check skipped
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread.h
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread.h - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create - not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Found Threads: TRUE  
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Looking for pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np - found
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:133 (message):
==> Netopeer2GUI:   Missing SSH support in libnetconf2, server requires SSH to be supported.
==> Netopeer2GUI: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
==> Netopeer2GUI: Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/server
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/server
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/server
==> Netopeer2GUI:    used as include directory in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/server
==> Netopeer2GUI:     linked by target "netopeer2-server" in directory /home/vagrant/Netopeer2/server
==> Netopeer2GUI: -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/Netopeer2/server/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: See also "/home/vagrant/Netopeer2/server/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log".
==> Netopeer2GUI: chown: 
==> Netopeer2GUI: cannot access './sysrepo/build/repository'
==> Netopeer2GUI: : No such file or directory
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.
jktjkt commented 6 years ago

It fails due to a too-old GCC in the OS, apparently.

rkrejci commented 6 years ago

Thanks for noticing, fixed by using clang, but installing newer gcc is also fine.