CESNET / UltraGrid

UltraGrid low-latency audio and video network transmission system
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DeckLink input broken in recent commits. #221

Closed alatteri closed 2 years ago

alatteri commented 2 years ago

I haven't yet tracked down which commit broke Decklink input, but sometime after 1.7.3. See below.

administrator@host:~$ ./UltraGrid-1.7.2-x86_64.AppImage -t decklink
UltraGrid 1.7.2 (tags/v1.7.2 rev a06d459a built Jan 18 2022 11:09:59)

Display device   : none
Capture device   : decklink
Audio capture    : none
Audio playback   : none
MTU              : 1500 B
Video compression: none
Audio codec      : PCM
Network protocol : UltraGrid RTP
Audio FEC        : none
Video FEC        : none

Display initialized-none
[DeckLink] Auto-choosen device 0.
Using device DeckLink 4K Pro
[DeckLink capture] Setting single link by default.
The desired display mode is supported: 525i59.94 NTSC
Enable video input: 525i59.94 NTSC
[DeckLink] Trying to autodetect format.
Start capture
DeckLink capture device enabled
Video capture initialized-decklink
Created new RTP session with SSRC 0x4bf3130c.
Frame received (#0) - No input signal detected
[Decklink capture] Format change detected (display mode, color space).
[Decklink capture] Capturing detected 12-bit signal, use ":codec=UYVY" to enforce 8-bit capture (old behavior).
[Decklink capture] Using codec: R12L
Enable video input: 2Kp23.98 DCI
[key control] Unsupported key Up pressed. Press 'h' to help.

administrator@host:~$ ./UltraGrid-1.7.3-x86_64.AppImage -t decklink
UltraGrid 1.7.3 (tags/v1.7.3^0 rev 403e4a00 built Mar 23 2022 11:39:27)

Display device   : none
Capture device   : decklink
Audio capture    : none
Audio playback   : none
MTU              : 1500 B
Video compression: none
Audio codec      : PCM
Network protocol : UltraGrid RTP
Audio FEC        : none
Video FEC        : none

Display initialized-none
[DeckLink] Auto-choosen device 0.
Using device DeckLink 4K Pro
[DeckLink capture] Setting single link by default.
The desired display mode is supported: 525i59.94 NTSC
Enable video input: 525i59.94 NTSC
[DeckLink] Trying to autodetect format.
Start capture
DeckLink capture device enabled
Video capture initialized-decklink
Created new RTP session with SSRC 0x5bd4936f.
Frame received (#0) - No input signal detected
[Decklink capture] Format change detected (display mode, color space).
[Decklink capture] Capturing detected 12-bit signal, use ":codec=UYVY" to enforce 8-bit capture (old behavior).
[Decklink capture] Using codec: R12L
Enable video input: 2Kp23.98 DCI

administrator@host:~$ ./UltraGrid-continuous-x86_64.AppImage -t decklink
UltraGrid 1.7+ (tags/continuous rev f84c5ec8 built Mar 30 2022 15:18:00)

Display device   : none
Capture device   : decklink
Audio capture    : none
Audio playback   : none
MTU              : 1500 B
Video compression: none
Audio codec      : PCM
Network protocol : UltraGrid RTP
Audio FEC        : none
Video FEC        : none

Display initialized-none
[DeckLink] Auto-choosen device 0.
Using device DeckLink 4K Pro
[DeckLink capture] Setting single link by default.
[Decklink capture] Cannot set initial format for autodetection - perhaps imposible combinations of parameters were set.
Unable to start video capture device decklink
Unable to open capture device: decklink
MartinPulec commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks, it is related to #215 due to I've made couple of changes, namely the input conversion is also not set for devices not supporting that. However, it still needs to have set bmdNoVideoInputConversion for DeckLinkInput::DoesSupportVideoMode. I think it is a bit dumb that devices that do not support conversions doesn't (allegedly) allow setting even to "none".