The UDP-CPG input plugin work the same way as the standard UDP input plugin,
on top of that it supports replication of template and option template sets
to all IPFIXcol instances connected to the same closed process group (CPG).
In high-availability cluster you can have multiple IPFIXcol instances running in
active/passive mode. The active instance is receiving and processing data. All received
templates and option templates are shared with all the passive IPFIXcol instances.
In case of active IPFIXcol instance failure, new active IPFIXcol can immediately start
processing data, because it already has valid templates. With regular UDP input plugin,
IPFIXcol has to wait for the reception of the next periodic templates, which means data
The UDP-CPG input plugin work the same way as the standard UDP input plugin, on top of that it supports replication of template and option template sets to all IPFIXcol instances connected to the same closed process group (CPG).
In high-availability cluster you can have multiple IPFIXcol instances running in active/passive mode. The active instance is receiving and processing data. All received templates and option templates are shared with all the passive IPFIXcol instances. In case of active IPFIXcol instance failure, new active IPFIXcol can immediately start processing data, because it already has valid templates. With regular UDP input plugin, IPFIXcol has to wait for the reception of the next periodic templates, which means data loss.