CESNET / ipfixcol

IPFIXcol is an implementation of an IPFIX (RFC 7011) collector
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Intermediate plugin "joinflows_ip" #212

Open ACobosD opened 4 years ago

ACobosD commented 4 years ago

Hi all, First of all I would like to know if It could be possible to get the information per flow, I mean, flow granularity. I'm trying to get bandwidth, but it is not possible. Otherwise, I would like to know how set the intermediate plugin "joinflows_ip" in startup.xml file.


Lukas955 commented 4 years ago


can you be more specific about "flow granularity"? Are you looking for something like flow aggregation over a certain time interval? If so, the collector itself doesn't provide such a feature. Flow records must be stored somewhere first (for example, to fastbit) and later aggregated using dumping tool (such as fbitdump).

Otherwise, I would like to know how set the intermediate plugin "joinflows_ip" in startup.xml file.

The plugin was used at a time when the collector was not able to process multiple ODIDs by a single instance of an output plugin. Nowadays, it is not very useful. Do you have a use-case where do you need to merge flows?

By the way, this collector will be obsolete by IPFIXcol2 soon. Consider using the new generation, which is faster and more stable. Its devel branch which contains support for NetFlow v5/v9, structured data types, etc. will be merged to the master by the end of this year.
