CESNET / ipfixcol2

High-performance NetFlow v5/v9 and IPFIX collector (RFC7011)
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Loadbalance the output into multiple files #97

Open kimera87 opened 1 month ago

kimera87 commented 1 month ago


We would like to listen a single incoming UDP port and load balance it to multiple JSON outputs. Actually, we used odidFilter in our output, but we cant load balance the incoming records to multiple files in a single odid instance. Is this somehow possible? Regards

sedmicha commented 1 month ago


one possibility is to run multiple different instances of ipfixcol2 with JSON output and then a single instance of ipfixcol2 with Forwarder output in round robin mode. That way, the collector with the Forwarder output will evenly distribute incoming IPFIX messages across all the other instances.
