CESNET / libnetconf

C NETCONF library
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notifications stream issue #191

Closed ntadas closed 8 years ago

ntadas commented 8 years ago

Currently in main branch the notification stream is not rotating. A possible fix is available in a different branch but as far as I know not fully tested and will not go to master branch right?

My understanding is that the notification stream is only needed for the reply notification feature. Currently I have an issue that my notification stream is growing up to 500 MB :( and I really don't need the reply feature, but I need the notifications. Is there any possibility to add an option in the libnetconf do disable this stream but keep the notifications? In other words, to keep in the stream only the last notification (always write the notifications from the beginning).


rkrejci commented 8 years ago

You are right. Now, there is --disable-ncntf-replay option for configure script to turn off the replay feature (and avoid storing event notifications into files). Please check that it solves your issue.

rkrejci commented 8 years ago

The patch is useless, I'm going to revert it.

Actually it seems that it cannot be done this way - the events files are used not only for replay. Storing event record into the file also makes it available for sending it to the clients by ncntf_dispatch_send() (in real time, not as part of the replay).

rkrejci commented 8 years ago

Currently I have no idea how to implement this without complete reimplementation of netoifications in libnetconf.

ntadas commented 8 years ago

ok, thanks. is it also out of the question to have the file rotation feature in the main branch? or to have some kind of "truncation" of the file to X MB? e.g. when the file reaches X MB it deletes all the old notifications and start over?


rkrejci commented 8 years ago

I would welcome such features, but I don't have resources to implement it on my own. The rotation feature is available in the rotating_events branch, but it has serious issues (see #156) which were not yet fixed by the author so I cannot merge it into the master.