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yin2yang.xsl generates double quote in each statements #214

Closed classcwnd closed 8 years ago

classcwnd commented 8 years ago

yin2yang.xsl generates double quote in each statements

We found get-schema did not return the correct content, the YANG models returned by the node are not identical to the models released by the Router6672 organization. And the original yang file doesn't contain double quote. So could you please tell us how to remove the double quote in yin2yang.xsl? In particular, they are adding double-quotes around, such as:


  deviation "/if:interfaces/if:interface" {
    deviate "add" {
      must "if:type != 'ianaift:ipForward' or ifxipos:l3-interface" {
Cannot create RFC 7223 interface for L3without creating child l3-interface        description
          "Cannot create RFC 7223 interface for L3without creating child l3-interface";
  import "ietf-interfaces" {
    prefix "if";
michalvasko commented 8 years ago

Hi, it is possible there are some syntactic differences, but there should not be any semantic ones. Therefore, if any YANG parser has trouble parsing these modules, it is its fault. The quotes are required in some cases and the simplest way to cover them is to add quotes everywhere, correct parsers must treat these values in the same way. Nevertheless, if you really want to change this behavior, you are free to modify the schema for your purposes. I hope you do not expect us to explain XML Schema to you.

Regards, Michal