CESR-lab / ucla-roms

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Add MARBL driver #17

Closed dafyddstephenson closed 2 months ago

dafyddstephenson commented 3 months ago

Hi all, here's the long-awaited PR with the marbl driver. I've merged in all the latest changes from main and run all the test cases. I have a separate toy problem for MARBL located here and this is also running as expected.

MARBL will need to be obtained and compiled for the driver to work. It can be found here. ROMS uses the environment variable $MARBL_ROOT, which should point to wherever that repo is cloned. The driver was built around tag 0.45. Documentation for MARBL can be found here.

As we've discussed in our meetings, there are maybe some coding choices I've made that would work better with ROMS if implemented differently - let's hash out the discussion here.

Still missing from ROMS-MARBL currently are river and seafloor inputs of BGC tracers (MARBL expects iron inputs from HTVs and sediment, while river inputs are typically incorporated in the surface forcing). Once we've got this merged we can perhaps work on incorporating these features.

Thanks! Dafydd

dafyddstephenson commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the meeting @nmolem , before the merge I'll attempt to :

nmolem commented 2 months ago

Thanks @dafyddstephenson! Your summary of our conversation looks good. Adding the observation that the pull request changes to the expanse scripts just change the things that are specific to us, to things that are specific to you. Maybe we could work with an environment variable for those.

dafyddstephenson commented 2 months ago

Here's a summary of changes so far:

nmolem commented 2 months ago

Hi Daffyd, Pierre and I are going through the code. In step3d_t_iso.F, in the call to marbldrv_column_physicsm, you're passing bec2_diag_2d andbec2_diag_3d. Could you change that to having the driver just use the module to get access to those vars (like bec does)

dafyddstephenson commented 2 months ago

Hi @nmolem , I went through and pared down the call as much as possible but unfortunately that one had to stay in: marbl_driver is used by bgc_ecosys_vars which is where those arrays are declared. They would have to be moved to avoid passing them in with the call.

I should add that I've been working on some pretty substantial changes today after Ulla highlighted that I haven't provided the user with control over which tracers/diagnostics are written to the output file, so please don't merge this in quite yet.

nmolem commented 2 months ago

Ok, it might be worth it to see if those vars can be defined in a separate module that would eliminate the circular reference (similar to the move of uwnd,vwnd. Additionally, I pushed another commit to main, prompted by the realization that I had introduced a big error on march 14 to bulk_frc. Also, we changed wrt_t_dia and nt_passive. The last one because we (you) had both nt_passive in param.opt and nt_pass in tracers. Hopefully it will be easy to resolve the conflicts that resulted.

dafyddstephenson commented 2 months ago

I think to do this I would need to set up an entirely separate procedure for MARBL diagnostics vs BEC diagnostics (allocating and acting on a different set of diagnostics arrays). I imagine this would largely be copy and pasting code from BEC into the MARBL driver and calling it if the MARBL cpp key is defined. I'm already doing quite a bit of work on diagnostics right now so I might as well take a look and let you know how involved this would be tomorrow. The conflicts should also be easy enough to resolve based on what you've said.

dafyddstephenson commented 2 months ago

For now I've addressed the need to pass the diagnostics arrays to MARBL in the subroutine call by defining pointers to the diagnostics arrays in the MARBL driver. I've also merged in the latest changes from main and run the example cases on OSX and Expanse.

I still would like to make another commit or two implementing user control over output variables before the merge, which I'll do tomorrow.

dafyddstephenson commented 2 months ago

OK, I've added that additional feature of user output control (and following Scott's issue on the call this morning remembered to go back and ensure single-cpu text file reading followed by broadcasting, which had been on my to do list for a while). I think this is about ready to be closed (🤞) but am happy to do another pass after you've both taken a look.

nmolem commented 2 months ago

Sorry Dafydd, I was working on another project for a while. I'll look at it today.