CEXT-Dan / PyRx

Python for AutoCAD
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ZWCAD Lisp functions are not registered #54

Open gswifort opened 1 month ago

gswifort commented 1 month ago

I loaded this file into Autocad and Zwcad, everything is ok in Autocad, no function was registered in Zwcad: error: undefined function - nil

CEXT-Dan commented 1 month ago

Hi, it's reported to ZDN
ID SUP-70085 Functions, acedDefun, acedRegFunc fail

CEXT-Dan commented 1 month ago

If I remember correctly, it's just for the current document. I think you can load the file, then open a new document and the functions may work but yeah, it fails in ZRX, but works in ARX, BRX and GRX

gswifort commented 1 month ago

In fact, it works in the new document.

CEXT-Dan commented 1 month ago

I asked for beta SDK for Zw2025, we can test

CEXT-Dan commented 1 month ago

not fixed in the beta, but it's still beta