[x] declare missing dependencies in DDCConfig.cmake
[x] install missing FindLAPACKE.cmake, required by DDC when using splines
[x] add CI test
It seems to be working but could be further improved in future PR.
The headers related to fft, splines and the PDI wrapper of DDC are being installed whatever the values of the cmake options. I think it could improved with some reorganization.
Cmake targets about the fft and splines are missing.
We should look at cmake components. As long as the user can adapt it looks ok
but as soon as a user requires an option this looks bad
find_package(DDC REQUIRED)
DDC lacks a header configuration file to list enabled options. These are passed as "compile definition" but pollute the user side.
It seems to be working but could be further improved in future PR.
The headers related to fft, splines and the PDI wrapper of DDC are being installed whatever the values of the cmake options. I think it could improved with some reorganization.
Cmake targets about the fft and splines are missing.
We should look at cmake components. As long as the user can adapt it looks ok
add_executable(main main.cpp) target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE DDC::DDC)
if(DDC_BUILD_PDI_WRAPPER) target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE DDC::PDI_Wrapper) endif()