COSP - The CFMIP (Cloud Feedbacks Model Intercomparison Project) Observation Simulator Package
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Changed Cloudsat subcolumn reflectivity vertical ordering, from SFC-2… #13

Closed dustinswales closed 5 years ago

dustinswales commented 5 years ago

This pull request has one small change, which reverses the vertical ordering of the Cloudsat subcolumn reflectivity (dbze94) from SFC-2-TOA to TOA-2-SFC. This results in changes to the reference dataset: [dswales@linux128 driver]$ python data/outputs/UKMO/ data/outputs/UKMO/ ############################################################################################ Treating relative differences less than 0.0010000000% as insignificant dbze94: 15.33 % of values differ, relative range: -4.10e+31 to 2.65e+31

RobertPincus commented 5 years ago

Dustin -

Please go ahead and merge this to master.

klein21 commented 5 years ago

I solicited a comment from Roj about this, and in e-mail he told me:

"I looked into this change and I am 90+ % sure the change is correct (meaning previously the COSP2.0 output was storing the dbze94 output field upside down and this fixes that)"

I think this can be committed to master.
