COSP - The CFMIP (Cloud Feedbacks Model Intercomparison Project) Observation Simulator Package
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COSPv2 / ICON; a few bugfix? #3

Closed odrans closed 6 years ago

odrans commented 7 years ago

Hi Dustin,

there seems to be a little issue with the attribution of indices when ncolumn=1 (commit 2004a9d..) and a conflict in the version of the functions used to get the modis optical properties (f8bf675..). No need to pay attention to other commits, sorry, I'll create a separate branch next time for these kind of things!

Regards, Odran

dustinswales commented 7 years ago

Hi Ordan,

Thanks for bringing these issues to my attention. 1) I fixed the incorrect inverting in subsample_and_optics. Actually, I cleaned up that routine so it is more clear to follow (i.e. less flipping). 2) The routines get_g_nir and get_ssa_nir in cosp_optics.F90 should not be there. I left them in there by accident some long time ago... I now use the subroutines in modis_simulator.F90

I've updated the master branch with these changes. I believe a "git pull" will migrate these changes to your repo.

Cheers, Dustin