COSP - The CFMIP (Cloud Feedbacks Model Intercomparison Project) Observation Simulator Package
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Allocation issue with MODIS/Cloudsat joint-products #39

Closed dustinswales closed 4 years ago

dustinswales commented 4 years ago

@takmichibata If these diagnostics are not requested, there is a runtime error as these fields are always allocated. I propose you add some logic around this section of code, lines 1600-1683 of cosp.F90, so that the diagnostics are produced only when the fields are requested. As a reference, see how the joint Cloudsat-Calipso products, just above where your MODIS/Cloudsat joint-diagnostics handle this issue.

takmichibata commented 4 years ago

@dustinswales I apologize for my late reply, and thanks for informing me of this issue via e-mail. (I did not realize this forum, sorry.) I’ll check this bug and other reported issues (i.e., #41 and #42) soon.